Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dick and Jane Flannel Sheets from the Vermont Country Store

Dick and Jane Sheets available at The Vermont Country Store


Are you struggling with someone on your Christmas list, somebody that you are clueless what to buy for a gift.  Well, you have to be of a certain age, but if you happen to be old(er), who wouldn’t love a set of these flannel sheets from the Vermont Country Store.  

Sadly, Dick and Jane are not around for kids these days, but people our age have such fond memories of them, and what a whimsical idea for a gift.   Well, not for me because I’m way too hot for flannel, and I somehow don’t think hubby would be a fan, but there just might be someone out there that would love these.  Wouldn’t these be perfect for a schoolteacher?  And if you know somebody, here’s the link...

And if Dick and Jane aren’t your thing, they also have Sock Monkey and Peanuts Flannel sheets.

I’m such a fan of this website, everything is so nostalgic, just takes me back to a gentler time...

Vermont Country Store - bookmark it, they’re just the BEST!


  1. The dust in your room will take on a hue similar to that of your flannel sheets.
    They generate more dust than cotton sheets do.
    I think I have another week or two before the flannel sheets come out of the closet.


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