We visited Ryan, and Lindsay last week. “Bampa” took Abby a Barbie tent and big building blocks, both of which were a huge hit.
Here she sits, with her favorite elephant chair from Lindsay’s parents, her sippy cup and her blocks. She played for hours surrounded by these toys.
She simply adores “Bampa.” There are no other words to describe it. Me, she tolerates, occasionally doling out a quick hug and a big smile, but the good stuff she reserves for him. Despite all my coaxing, I’ve only gotten an occasional “Naneeeeeeee” from her, when I try and get her to say “Grammie,” but she constantly says “Bampa,” holding up those little arms for him to pick her up. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!
My friend Nisha told me last night that it might be 4-5 years before she gives up the obsession with LC and turns her attention to me. Geezy Pete, lets hope she’s wrong, I’ll be really old(er) in another five years!!!!! I tried all the tricks, too, even bribing her with videos on my iPad. She would sit on my lap for just a little while, then she was back in the tent.
I won’t give up, though, I’ll try a new tactic next time. If it were her Daddy, I could always bribe him with cookies, unfortunately Miss Abigail doesn’t seem to care for them at this point, but I’ll keep trying, who knows, maybe she’ll decide she likes cookies the next visit…