Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A letter to my daughter as an old woman

18 Facebook

I saw this on Facebook this morning and just had to share.  I don’t have daughters, but I do have daughters-in-law and girlfriends.  This is a must read… ~ Jan

I had a thought yesterday that made me very sad.

I'll never know you as an old woman. 

My job as a mother is not to teach you to be an amazing kid, but to teach you to be an extraordinary adult. I want to guide you so that when you are an old woman, you will look back on your life and feel that it was well lived. 

These are the things I wish for you when you become an old woman:

When your hair turns silver and your skin turns a bit sallow, I hope that your eyes shine as brightly as they do today. (tweet this)

I hope your happy memories outweigh your worries.

I hope you dance...even if it's slowly.

I hope the world is good and that kind people surround you.

I hope you have a companion, be it a partner, a child or a friend.

I hope the mistakes you've made in life have been long forgotten and the bright spots sparkle.

I hope you found a unicorn.

I hope you celebrated every birthday with those that you love.

I hope you travelled and laughed and sang at the top of your lungs.

I hope you did work that you loved, that you helped people and that you prayed daily.

I hope you aren't in too much pain.

I hope you let your kids stay up late so that you could snuggle under the covers and tell each other secrets. I hope you have grandchildren and that they talk...constantly.

As the years pass, my greatest wish is that I taught you well. That you were able to fight when you needed to and give in when you wanted to. That you helped others and were kind to yourself. 

I hope you shine.

I know you'll shine.

And I hope. I really, really hope....that I taught you well.


I had a thought yesterday that made me very sad.
I'll never know you as an old woman. 
My job as a mother is not to teach you to be an amazing kid, but to teach you to be an extraordinary adult. I want to guide you so that when you are an old woman, you will look back on your life and feel that it was well lived. 
These are the things I wish for you when you become an old woman:
When your hair turns silver and your skin turns a bit sallow, I hope that your eyes shine as brightly as they do today. (tweet this)
I hope your happy memories outweigh your worries.
I hope you dance...even if it's slowly.
I hope the world is good and that kind people surround you.
I hope you have a companion, be it a partner, a child or a friend.
I hope the mistakes you've made in life have been long forgotten and the bright spots sparkle.
I hope you found a unicorn.
I hope you celebrated every birthday with those that you love.
I hope you travelled and laughed and sang at the top of your lungs.
I hope you did work that you loved, that you helped people and that you prayed daily.
I hope you aren't in too much pain.
I hope you let your kids stay up late so that you could snuggle under the covers and tell each other secrets. I hope you have grandchildren and that they talk...constantly.
As the years pass, my greatest wish is that I taught you well. That you were able to fight when you needed to and give in when you wanted to. That you helped others and were kind to yourself. 
I hope you shine.
I know you'll shine.
And I hope. I really, really hope....that I taught you well.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Martha Stewarts Favorite Place


Martha Stewart's summer home.  WOW!  I don’t know what I like best, the house or the ’58 Edsel.  That car was a nerd mobile back in the day, but now it’s just awesome!



Don’t you just love this kitchen.  So vintage and so wonderful sez me, gushing ;-)

It was featured this month in Architectural Digest, you can see more pictures and read about it here….

Monday, June 8, 2015

Grace and Frankie


I was on the fence at first with this show.  It was so sad, finding out their husbands were gay, I just felt sorry for them and  wasn’t finding the humor, but I kept watching and now I’m on episode 10 and it’s hysterical.

These ladies are funny with capital F.  It’s such good acting and I live in the moment with Jane Fonda.  I look at her body of work as an actress and she’s excellent.  The woman looks absolutely amazing for 77 years old, whatever she’s had done, it’s been great work and she must exist on lettuce leaves.

Lily Tomlin is a hoot, she’s funny, spunky, she looks so good for her age and is just perfect for her role as an aging hippie.

The guys don’t fare as well as the ladies, Martin Sheen, something about his teeth just isn’t right, it’s kind of like he has dentures that are about to fall out of his mouth.  If you watch it, you will know what I mean.  

And I'm such a fan of Netflix, no waiting for next week for another episode, you can marathon watch these shows.  It’s been renewed for a second season, and it’s so much fun to watch older actresses perform.  We don’t get many chances to do that these days.  If you haven’t seen it, give it a few episodes and see if it doesn’t reel you in as well.


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