It was a beautiful spring day in Heavensville. Marti and I went to an auction early afternoon, then Trish and I haunted the garden centers. V called to tell me about boxwood, I crammed five of them in my car, no some guy did it for us, they were so heavy Trish and I could barely left them on to the flat bed cart. Maggie and London went along, Maggie quickly got the hang of flirting with people so they would pet her and ooh and aah over her... She had a blast. London always gets tons of attention, she's such a cute little pipsqueak - it was just a perfect day in Heavensville.
All of these pictures will enlarge if you click on them...
Isn't this just about the cutest thing EVER???

Today Maggie was driving Trish's car. Egads, she's outta control with this driving!

Look closely on the roof of the garden center - peacocks, which London insisted on chasing. They also had a solid white peacock, unfortunately, no pictures of it...

And that was my day, hope your Saturday was a great one, too...