Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jan reviews Hope Springs

hopeI really wanted to like this movie, I really did.  The trailer was good, the cast was great, the critics loved it, but me, meh, not so much.

I expected it to be really funny, and it did have it’s moments, but it was a sad movie.  The acting was good, of course it was, it was Meryl Streep after all, but the sets were depressing.  I’m a bells and whistles girl, I love to go to the movies and see pretty houses, great kitchens, pretty clothes,  makeup, all of that along with good acting.

This couple lived in a 70’s style track home that needed serious updating.  And when they went away, they stayed in an Econolodge, for pete’s sake.  Their marriage was painful, and seeing it unravel as they went through their week of therapy was not enjoyable.  And the sex scenes, let’s face it, old people are better off doing it in the dark.  Egads, it was not attractive.  I have to wonder if Meryl Streep was totally acting, or if she was just uncomfortable playing the role she did.  Tommy Lee Jones played his part well, but I think he overacted.

Let’s face it, it just wasn’t that good of a movie, LC was disappointed, too.

Oh well, Diane Keaton has a new one coming out this fall that looks much better.  It has terrific sets in the trailer, and her clothes are lots prettier than Meryl Streep, who looked positively dowdy.  And the acting has to be good, Diane Keaton is a great actress, too.  Maybe we’ll go for another date night when it comes out and give it a try.

I go to the movies to be entertained, and this just wasn’t entertaining. Sad smile

Thursday, August 16, 2012

She simply amazes me…


Abby:  A hexagon has six sides Grammie

Grammie:  Duh, okay, yes, it does


Abby:  If we had a rocket ship, we could blast through the clouds, Grammie.  We could go all the way to outer space.

Grammie:  Yes, we certainly could.

Abby:  What is outer space, Grammie?

Grammie:  Uh, it’s beyond the clouds, uh, it’s, ummmmmm…

Grammie thinking, oh I need to Google this! 


Abby:  This is my Baaabie Plane, Grammie

Grammie:  (finally, something I can understand)  Yes, Abbie, Grammie had a Barbie Doll when she was a little girl.

Abby:  Saying nothing, looking confused….


However, when she gets in her car and takes off, her Grammie gene kicks in immediately.


She pushes on the gas, guns it, and she’s off.  But instead of steering it down the road, and looking straight ahead, she’s busy tuning in her radio, playing with her gears, doing everything but looking where she’s going.  So she runs off in the grass, and then Daddy has to give her a tow, with her wheels spinning as she tries to get traction.


She and Maggie are buddies now.  She's taking her “Pal” on a little ride.


Such joy, this little child just rocks Grammie’s world.


And little Ben is such an angel.  We’re still trying to figure out who he looks like.  He looks nothing like Abby as a baby, I see a lot of Ryan in him, and hopefully, Lindsay’s lips. 


And here’s their pretty little Mama, five days after Ben’s birth, sitting in the floor playing with Abby and her dollhouse.

Grammie is very, very blessed…

And yes, I do realize I’m gushing.  It’s what Grammie’s do, they gush about the grandkids…

I got the most amazing necklace in the mail…


I have a friend from Oklahoma, Holly.  She somehow made her way to my blog and emailed me a couple of years ago.  Holly and I have a lot in common and we became fast friends, emailing back and forth often.  She’s used some of my gardening ideas, including the micro irrigation and straw bale gardening with good luck.

She knows I love turquoise, and when we got home from Ryan’s there was a package in the mail.  She made this gorgeous piece of jewelry ladies, She . made . it !  I’m in awe, it’s absolutely decadently fantastic, and the best part, it has a magnetic closure, easy on and easy off.

I’m going to have hubby take me to see that new Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones movie this weekend.  I do believe, Miss Holly, that I will take my new necklace for a spin.

I know you’re all drooling, I know you are.  I’m a lucky woman to have a friend like Holly.

Awesome necklace, absolutely awesome!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Homemade cleaning solution with alcohol and Prell Shampoo


A homemade cleaning solution using alcohol and Prell Shampoo that you make yourself, and it’s inexpensive and works great!

Sounds too good to be true, but my friend, Barb, is swearing by this.  She visited a friend and said her wood floors looked amazing.  The lady told her she threw away all her cleaning products and uses this mixture on countertops, appliances, windows, bathroom fixtures, and yes, wood floors.

I haven’t had time to try it, I did call my friend, Krista, that cleans for me and told her about it.  It will be interesting to hear what she thinks.


Here’s the mixture:

1 pint rubbing alcohol
2 tablespoons Prell Shampoo (can be hard to find, but they have it at Dollar General)
A gallon milk jug

Put the alcohol and Shampoo in the gallon milk jug and fill with water.  That’s it, then just fill a squirt bottle and you’re good to go.

Now go wash those windows, and see how this works for you.

~ Jan

Grammie is home…

ben1_editedWe got home last night, and I’m missing Abby and baby Ben so much.  I have pictures on my camera, but I’m playing catch up and haven’t opened them yet.

Just wanted you all to know that I’m still kickin’…

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