Saturday, March 15, 2008

One finally finished...

FINALLY, one down, one to go. This is Ryan's Chicken Soup Recipe - it's so much better than mine, because he cooks it in broth.

You can access it at Milly Scraps, in the Recipe Section, under Soups and Salads.

Notice the Peeps looking chick at the bottom right in the page. That's the one I just got in Lexington at SteinMart - it's really BIG, looks great sitting on the edge of my counter. I wanted one last year, and they sold all of them, so I snapped this right up. He's made of some kind of foam, and even cuter than he looks in this layout...

I asked Linds what we should name the chicken, we name everything in our family, and she said "Little." So that's his name, Little...

Here's a quick click to the recipe...

Next up is Mom's Noodles to go with the soup... And yes, that's the real bowl of soup in the picture, I took it last week when I made it for sick hubby.

~ jan

Just a lazy day...

My buddy V imbedded the Starbucks Skinny Latte bug in my pea brain this morning. She wanted to pick one up, bring it to me, and at the time my tummy didn't feel like it. But I needed to go to the library this afternoon, and it was wet and cold, and by that time it sounded like a great idea, so Mags and I tooled thru the Bucks, me for a latte, her for a Milkbone, then we went to Burdette, sat in the rain, watched the ducks and chilled - she crunched, I slurped... Worked for us...

Distressed papers from
2peas bowwow fonts & 2 peas oldtype fonts
nancy comelab photo frames
mojackson tape
katie pertiet watery words

I'm baaaaaack....

You have to see this....

This is quite possibly the sweetest video I've ever seen. Jean sent it to me this morning. Oh, every little boy should have a dog just like this one, and every dog should have this little boy. Talk about tugging at your heartstrings.... It's a goodie, ladies, enjoy... And turn on your speakers, Barry croons to perfection in this darling little video...

Friday, March 14, 2008

How things have changed...

Remember when your kids were small and they would have little friends over for birthday parties, and play silly games like pin the tail on the donkey and you would make cupcakes and Koolaid for them.

Well, Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore... My friend Cyn sent me the text of her daughter, Alisha's party invitation today. Alisha is five and the little girl whose Mother is having the birthday party is six. They are having it at Dikri Sinclairs a chi chi poo poo children's shop in Heavensville.

Spa Tea Party Birthday

Please join me in a cup of tea,
it's my 6th birthday you see.

Terry robes and yummy things,
tea cakes, truffles, games and rings.

Glitter gels in glamour pails,
cucumbered eyes and painted nails.

Polished toes, covered with flowers,
pampered fun for a whole two hours.

Spa Tea Party? Terry robes, cucumbered eyes, truffles? For five and six year olds???

To heck with the kids, I want to go to that party!!!!!

It was a good day...

I took Maggie with me to get my haircut and then we visited an elderly friend in the nursing home. The visit started off with a smile, when they were loading an elderly patient into a van to transport her to the doctor. She was in a wheelchair, on oxygen, and she saw Maggie and just went ballistic. "Ohhhhh, let me see her, ohhhhhh I had a Yorkie and had to get rid of her when I came here." "I don't WANT to go to the doctor, I want to stay here and hold this dog." "I'm in room 172, bring her back to see me" she yelled as she was being wheeled into the van and I assured her that we would be back. She had snatched Mags right out of my arms, and did not want to give her back. It was just priceless...

Needless to say Miss Margaret MooLatte was the hit of the day. She had on her little yellow hoodie with a purple flowered twistie in her topknot, and we were stopped countless times for pets and cuddles. One woman apparently was a stroke victim, she couldn't talk but she was mumbling to me and trying to gesture with her hands. I took Maggie and put her little face next to that lady's cheek, and she was smiling and her eyes were just dancing with excitement, she was so happy to feel that little furbaby against her skin. When we arrived at Bettye's room, she practically jumped out of her chair she was so excited to see her. She said that it was nice of me to visit, too but she was REALLY glad I brought the dog. She and Maggie are old friends, so Maggie cuddled right down on her lap where she stayed the entire time we visited.

Bettye sat in her winged chair, and I sat directly in front of her in her wheelchair (the only seating available) with her feet propped up in my lap and Maggie stretched out on her legs, snoozing away the afternoon. We talked and laughed, and I gave her a foot massage and life was good. That's all it takes sometimes to make your world a little brighter, just to go outside yourself and do something nice for someone. I took her a big yellow soft fuzzy duck for Easter, lots of Cadbury Eggs and Peeps and jelly beans, she was just thrilled...

So, no scrapbooking accomplished as I had planned, but today Plan B worked much better for me...

A nice spot to land...

Before LC left for work this morning, he tucked Maggie under the throw for a nap. She just settled right in. Lazy little dog, she snoozes her days away.

You'll probably be seeing a lot of Maggie this spring. Makes me smile just to click on my blog and see pictures of this sweet little face.

An Africa update from the kids...

John and Tonia called Wednesday, they are having a great trip. John says the infrastructure of Cape Town and the modernization of the buildings and highways puts our cities to shame.

Flowers are abundant, so many species, vivid colors, lots of palm trees, ocean breezes. They took a day trip and saw penguins. I don't quite get that, penguins in a tropical climate, but they saw them. They were warned to keep their car locked or monkeys would hop in the car with them.

They are now staying at a Game Reserve in Kruger National Park, Lukimi Safari Lodge in Sabi Sands. They will be there until Sunday, when they fly home. They were really excited about this leg of their journey as they will go on safari twice daily. They will undoubtedly have some amazing pictures to share when they come home. I asked if Tonia had been on an elephant yet, and John said no way, all the elephants are wild, not ridable.

I linked to where they are staying, so click on the Lumbiki Lodge link above or just click HERE if you are interested in seeing what they are up to...

We are heading to Lexington next week, LC has three days off, and John and Tonia will be joining us there on Friday, so we'll get all the details...

That comfort food did the trick...

The Shells & Cheese were sublime last night. We fixed a simple little meal that's been a favorite since we were first married, fish sticks, peas and macaroni and cheese, ummmm....

We took a ride after dinner to Burdette Park. We sat in the car with Maggie chewing on her Flossie, while hubby and I watched the fat white ducks that were paddling around in the water. The buds are swelling on the trees now, the crocus are blooming, the renewal of spring is in the air.

Back home, LC ran laps around the living room with Mags barking at his heels, and I threw her fuzzy donut and she chased it and romped like a little doggie possessed.

Robin from Bird Tweets and I had a email marathon going back and forth, a little fairy tale of sorts about running away to the country to a little stone house and raising a gadzillion Yorkies, naming them all fleur names. Oh we had some good ones, Rosebud, Violet, Daffodil, Daisy, Iris, Poppy, Lily and my favorite, Clover... It was a nice distraction... Robin is a great new friend.

And then to bed with a new feather pillow that scrunched up just perfectly under my neck. Maggie and I shared an orange before we went to sleep, and when I awoke this morning I was lying there listening to LC and Mags snoring softly and I am so grateful that I have them.

Anyone out there who has an older dog, I urge you to get another one now, don't wait. You can never replace one dog with another, but oh when the time comes, it makes it so much easier to bear. You may think that your dog won't accept a new pup, but you might be surprised. Veronica told me this week that she thought Maggie breathed life into Munchie and willed her to live longer. I so agree with this, the Munchkin was wild about her, mothered her, played with her. It took awhile, though, the breeder told me that she should accept her after about three weeks, and that's just how it played out. Such good memories...

And so today, this rainy Friday, I'm going for a haircut, then finish a couple of scrapbooking pages for Mom's Noodles and Ryan's chicken soup and publish them. So check back later, they're both a good thing...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Moving forward, one day at a time, one foot prosthetic foot in front of the other...

Ohhhhh, lame attempt at humor, sorry just couldn't resist. Devil 12 Hmmmm, maybe some of my spunk is starting to surface.

I'm legal again, Billie Jean, (Billie is Hooterville's friend and she's a jailer, who told me I could go to the clink for driving on an expired license) today I renewed my expired driver's license and ordered "THE BED."

Thanks to everybody who voted in the poll, I bought the Interlude with the wraparound footboard, no canopy even though I would have loved it, I decided that it was just too heavy for my room.

I haven't spent much time at home, and Maggie has been out with us for the past two days. She makes everybody she sees smile. I took her in the drivers license branch, all the women were just beaming at her... She wriggles her whole little body toward them for a cuddle, she's really good at hamming it up and getting attention...

EVERYBODY has a dog story, to tell. There is this lady that works at T. J. Maxx that I really like. She's a big lady, with the loveliest mahogony skin, and she knows Maggie well as I take her in there with me often. She always yells out, "there's that sweet little dog" and comes over to pet her. When she scoops her up in her arms, she just totally envelops her. It's so cute... Maggie rains kisses on her face and she throws back her head and just laughs with joy. She was telling me yesterday about her dog passing away and she was so frantic when she found him that she called 911. The police actually came and helped her, too. It's heartwarming to hear stories like that.

And that's it from Heavensville tonight. I'm going to have Lindsay's comfort food for dinner, Kraft Shells & Cheese. Usually works for me, too, here's to hopin...

~ jan

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I thought we could all use a smile...

Thanks so much to all of you who have emailed, called, and commented, it helps so much to know you are all thinking of me and remembering Munchie.

Trish has a new wagon for her granddaughter, and we plopped her London and my Maggie in it this afternoon and took them for a walk. It was a lovely day, mid 60's, sunny, and we all enjoyed being out in the fresh air. It's nice to know that even at the worst of times that these little dogs could make me smile. How many times have I said it ladies, "It's the simple things..."

And life goes on...

It's a sunny morning as we prepare to bury our precious Munchie on the hill beyond our patio. She will forever be in our thoughts, and in our hearts. She touched so many lives, and was loved by so many people, and we have such wonderful memories...

We had her only eleven years, a short life for a Yorkie, but Munchie was the product of a backyard breeder, a joyous little soul who developed an enlarged heart and bad joints due to her lineage. But as Maya Angelou said, "when we know better, we do better." I just didn't know better when we got Munchie, but not so with my Mags. Maggie comes from hearty stock, from a respected breeder. She's a healthy little dog and hopefully we won't be going through this with her until she's an old doggie lady.

And so I'll return to my silly nonsense on this blog, because that is what I do, I dwell on the positive, not the negative, but oh dear readers, my heart is so heavy this morning...

Goodbye, my sweet little dog, you are soaring with the angels now...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is the hardest entry I've ever posted...

Munchie died today. There are no words...

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Here we go again....

Yet another middle-aged politician gets caught with his tallywhacker in the nookie jar. Today it was the Governor of New York, and once again, like all the others before him, and there have been MANY lately, his long-suffering wife is by his side while he wriggles and squirms at a press conference, apologizing to everybody from his family, to his dog, to the homeless guy at the corner of 5th and Vine.

Why do these women stand by their man like this? WHY, WHY, WHY??? It just makes me want to GAG!!! These woman have to be furious, but why do they feel the need to help redeem their sleazeball husbands in public, when they should be kicking their sorry asses six ways to to Sunday.

Oh,this really frosts my cake, can you tell??? Hey, wifey wasn't around while the guy was playing hanky-panky, so wifey should stay home when he tries to make amends, which he can't do, because he has lost all credibility. He should have to stand on his own and face people, instead of running home to mama and hauling her out in public to hold his hand while he airs his dirty laundry.

I can understand these weak men trotting out their sad, depressed wives to try and get sympathy, but what I CAN'T understand is why any woman would stand up in public with these weasels. If it were me, no way would I do that and he would be making his plea for sympathy with cat scratches all over his face, black eyes and missing teeth!!!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mrs. Hughes is just priceless!!!

Mrs. Hughes is a total HOOT! I laughed so hard at this silly comedian, oh get your Puffs Plus ready, ladies, you will laugh til' you cry.

~ jan

Still laughing...

Cuz sent me this tonight - omg, this is SO me....

If I can't be a good example -- then I'll just have to be a horrible warning.

Random thoughts about... what else... food!

I made hubby corned beef yesterday - coughed up the extra $$ and bought a round instead of a brisket - I'll never buy brisket again, the round was totally lean, and since I cooked it in the slow cooker, it was very moist - HOW? Rinse the corned beef, put in the spice packet, fill the crock halfway with water, add a large sliced onion and a few cloves of crushed garlic, cook 10 hours on low - 3 hours before the 10 are up, duh, Jan, that would be after 7 hours, add cabbage wedges, baby carrots and halved red potatoes - amazing meal, no trouble, leftovers... don't forget the horseradish and pumpernickel bread.

If you are a regular reader, you know that I am a bean lover, ADORE them, I've been on a chickpea (garbanzo bean) kick lately, eat them out of the can, cook dry garbanzos in chicken broth and onions, put them in salads right out of the can, or drain them, saute them in a little bit of olive oil until crunchy, and use instead of croutons.

Making my own dressing lately, dijon mustard, rice vinegar, bit of honey, salt pepper and EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) - whisk, simple, easy - don't measure, just do it...

Been missing cooking lately, tonight I was going to warm the corned beef, make hubby twice-baked potatoes - wrong - those redskins were too thin - I waved them, tried scooping, no can do, they were falling apart - just threw them in a bowl, mashed them with potato masher, peelings and all - added the sauteed red peppers, mushrooms and onion that I had cooked down in a bit of butter, put in a big dollop of low fat sour cream, some fat free half and half, cheddar cheese - baked them in a casserole - same taste, no bother - love potato skins.

Back to the beans, told you it was random - I'm a huge fan of refried beans, never knew how to make them, never really thought much about it, always get them at the Mexican Truck Stop (El Charro, local restaurant) - they have the best in the world. Finally took the time to read about them - just cook dried pintos in water until they are tender - drain them, then in a large skillet, put a couple of tablespoons of bacon grease (or olive oil if you are being healthy, true refried beans are cooked in lard) - I'm going to do the bacon grease, 2 tablespoons isn't much for a whole lb. of beans, anyhoo, melt the bacon grease, add the beans and a bit of water, mash with a potato masher, and "fry." Hence "refried beans." How about that??? Keep adding water if they get too thick, thats it, simple, I'm going to try it.

Watched bobble head today on FoodTv (Everyday Italian, Giada whatever her name is, skinny little be-otch irritates the crap outta me, I don't trust skinny cooks, notice I said "cook", no way some of these people on FoodTv are chefs, IMO). Anyhoo, she made cupcakes from a cake mix, and then she made a mixture of marscapone cheese, strawberries, sugar and lemon, whirred in in a food processor, and using a pastry bag and tip, pushed the tip into the cooled cupcake and squirted it full of filling. Sounds to die for.

Made hubby a cherry pie, not really, Pillsbury Already Piecrust that needed to be used, a couple of cans of cherry pie filling, milk and sugar on the top crust, bake it and he has.... PIE! No butter though, poor hubby, he doesn't need it dotted with butter even though it would taste better. I like almond flavoring in it, couldn't find it, probably in the back of the spice cabinet where I can't reach. Oh well... He doesn't even like cherry pie, I do.... *blushing* He'll eat it though, he likes anything that's hot and sweet. That's why he's been batshit crazy about me all these years. Oh, laughing so hard my sides are splitting. Fever is getting to my brain...

Never know how much I love you, you never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me, I get a feeling that I just can't bear
You give me fever, when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight
Fever in the morning, fever all through the night.

Thanks to the internet, my world this week is a whole lot smaller...

I was sitting at the computer, my GoogleTalk dings, it's John, in Cape Town, typechatting me, telling me that he and Tonia are fine, having a great time and that they had been to Table Mountain today and then to the beach to watch the sunset. So of course I Googled Table Mountain, here's the LINK. It's just amazing, to be able to visit this website, see the aerial photography, and actually visualize what they saw today. Just amazing...

It's a wonderful thing to be in touch with your kids when they are on the other side of the world, and to chat in real time and to do it FREE. It's absolutely mindblowing when you think about it... It's a REALLY good thing...

These sound amazing...

I don't actually make this stuff, but I sure would like to. This recipe for Auntie Em's Coconut Cupcakes looks positively mouthwatering. Mother always made white cupcakes at Easter time, then fashioned a birdnest on top of coconut tinted with green food coloring, and jelly beans nestled inside.

These look like they would be great for spring... I'm all grown up now, I can do without the green tint and the jelly beans... Winking

I found this recipe in the food section of the L.A. Food Times, and posted it for you over on Jan CAN Cook.

Here's the CLICK

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