Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from the Smoky Mountains...

We're spending a few days in a cabin in the mountains near Gatlinburg with John and Deanna. Here's how its going...

1. Temperatures are In the 60's so we have a fire in the fireplace with the AC on.

2. It's 3pm and we haven't eaten because the stove is temperamental and food is still cooking.

3. The family is playing dominoes, I'm not a fan, so I passed, it's too hot to play anyway.

4. We brought the dogs, they're panting and snoozing the afternoon away.

5. Even though I never venture out, tomorrow we will join the masses to shop until we drop.

6. Did I mention that it's hot in here?

7. Deanna and I slept in while John and LC made pumpkin and pecan pies.

8. It took years of training to get them to this point *wicked grin*

9. Remind me to tell you all later about the FoodSaver and KarmelKorn. It was amazing!

10. Did I mention that it's hot in here,

Okay, I've goofed off enough, time to slave over that darned stove. Nah, not really, we're all doing it. Whew, it's hot in here, but we're having such a good time and temperatures are cooling down tomorrow, hope the firewood holds out!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

A we begin this Thanksgiving Week...

We've been posting what we're thankful for this Thanksgiving on Facebook.  This was my post yesterday, several people commented on it and I thought some of you that read the Daily Dish might enjoy it as well.

I'm thankful for the important things, family, friends, health, as all of us are, but if I strip that away, what else am I thankful for?
The wind on my face when I step outside, blowing leaves that bring back long forgotten memories of Novembers past, memories of loved ones now gone, the smell of candles, the warmth of a fireplace, soup simmering on the stove, sunsets that light up the sky, a simple hug and a child's laughter.
I'm thankful that I can hear, see, taste, touch, and smell, the five senses that allow me to enjoy all of the simple things in life, for they are the best gifts of all. Live in the moment wherever you are this Thanksgiving and be grateful, we are all truly blessed.
~ Jan

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