Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday, November 9, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Here he is gang....

Ok, Linds fired me an email this morning, "So how come LC didn't make the cut, she asked?" This afternoon I talked to Tonia and she said,
"Where's Larry in the family pix?"

Okay, okay, I fess up, he didn't make the blog pix yesterday because I'm next to him in all the pictures. He looked good, I didn't, remember.

Sooooo, here he is, I cropped myself out. Shoulda done that yesterday and saved the Dilly's from bein' in a tiz....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We are FAM-I-LY....

I absolutely DETEST corduroy pants, why did I even wear the damned things!!!!!

Grace Kelly at Sotheby's

Jean sent me a great link this morning of several photos of the Grace Kelly collection, currently on display at Sotheby's. If you want a little class in your morning, take a peek. Wonderful clothes, jewelry, even a collection of eyewear, and lots of memorabilia - enjoy. ~ jan


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

They're All Here...

All of your favorite Thanksgiving recipes are ready for the holidays.

Lindsay's Aunt Jan & Kaysi's Cranberry Salad, Barb's Melt-in-Your-Mouth Pumpkin Bread, Veronica's Rhubarb pie, and lots, lots more. You can access them by clicking on the Turkey in the left sidebar.

Enjoy - they're all VUNDERBAR!!!!!

~ jan

What I'm up to today...

Don't these look YUMMY????

SURPRISE, they're a Weight Watcher Recipe - only 2 points per muffin, for those non-weight watcher people, that's approximately 100 calories. Not bad, huh.

You can access the recipe on the Eating Right Board...

Here's the link - CLICK HERE -

I needed to do something healthy after my little binge yesterday. So I'm putting a chicken in the oven to roast and making these muffins.

Now, back to that binge... I made Butterscotch Brownies for Jean for her birthday, and then last night LC had a meeting at the house, so I made them again. They are SO easy, SO simple, SO FAT LADEN!!!! AND, of course I got into them and ate TWO!!! But, seriously, these brownies are the absolute best brownies that you will EVER taste.

I've had so many people just go gaga over them, and they are so simple to make, it's almost embarrassing. The butterscotch flavor comes from brown sugar and butter, not from those icky, artifical tasting butterscotch bits. So, if you want a goodie, it's on Milly Scraps, but here's the link for you - CLICK HERE! I also posted the chocolate version, on the left side of the page, but they aren't nearly as good as the butterscotch ones.

And, I'm continuing to work on the Thanksgiving Goodies page - gotta get that one rolling this week. It's a blustery, sunny day in Heavensville, the M&M's are by my side, hubby is going to work, I'm listening to smooth jazz and working on those pages.... Life is good...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Guess who's having a birthday....

No, no, look closely, that's not a gun, it's her BIGMA, the zoom lens on her camera, and she's not a rebel, she just looks like one in this pix, well actually she does like to think she's a rebel, and yes that's a playground toy she's on, some people get senile when they get old, ya know...

This is my life long, since we were toddlers buddy, Jean, aka Hooterville. She loves this picture, the old scoundrel, I think she's having some kind of late life crisis myself. She's 's getting up there in years now, she's SOOOOOOOOOOOO much older than me - she's actually 59 today! shhhhh, don't tell, she'll shoot me with her BIGMA!!!

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