Monday, November 5, 2007

Guess who's having a birthday....

No, no, look closely, that's not a gun, it's her BIGMA, the zoom lens on her camera, and she's not a rebel, she just looks like one in this pix, well actually she does like to think she's a rebel, and yes that's a playground toy she's on, some people get senile when they get old, ya know...

This is my life long, since we were toddlers buddy, Jean, aka Hooterville. She loves this picture, the old scoundrel, I think she's having some kind of late life crisis myself. She's 's getting up there in years now, she's SOOOOOOOOOOOO much older than me - she's actually 59 today! shhhhh, don't tell, she'll shoot me with her BIGMA!!!


  1. bwaaaaaaaaa .... funny Jan real funny! You are one year behind me so don't be calling me OLD :o) You have been shot with the Bigma several times and I can always shoot you again .... at your worst! Wait, I already have photos of you at your "worst". Maybe I will post one of them on my blog when your Bday rolls around later this month.

    I have gained at least 5 pounds from stuffing my face on those delicious Butterscotch Brownies that you made .... they are by far the best EVER! You know I'm not a "sweet eater" but those Brownies are heavenly. Thanks "Baby Jannie" .... you "da bomb" girl!!!


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