Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I could post Abby pictures every day...

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Yes, Yes, this is what happens to me!!!!


Today I'm making vegetable soup...



So what's the big deal, everybody likes soup, well I'll tell you what the big deal is, ya I will!   I should be making things like egg salad, my beloved wilted lettuce in mother's stainless steel bowl, asparagus, lemon something, all things spring.  But since it's rainy, damp and colder than a well digger's butt in Heavensville today, I have soup in my trusty pressure cooker.

Sounds good?  Of course, but not what I want.  It's gonna be another cold night, have to drag those plants in the garage again.  Will somebody please remind me of this next year when I plant too early.  

And the weather forecast is lousy, too!  Just look at this! Only tomorrow looks good, then clouds, clouds and more rain.  Okay, so it could be worse, but it could be better!!!


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I think I'm stuck in the 80's...



Country Living is still my favorite magazine, and I'm absolutely thrilled when the latest issue arrives in the mail.  My friend, Barb, recently introduced me to Decor Steals, a different deal at 9am every morning, most of them country, items I still think are wonderful, but have no use for anymore.

I love looking at all things vintage and reminisce about the good ole' days when my house was stuffed with antiques and collectibles.  But I'm not that (old) girl anymore.  These days I'm just a looker, not a buyer, but I miss some of the things I used to have.  Now I surround myself with things that I love, subscribe to the theory that if you don't love it, it has no place in your home, get rid of it, and replace it with something that makes you smile.  

I'm rambling, aren't i?  I tend to do that, next I'll be wishing shoulder pads would come back in style.  Well, I was a huge fan in the day.

In the meantime, you  might want to sign up for Decor Steals to be delivered to your inbox at 9am every morning.  Warning:  It's addictive, even if you don't buy anything. 

DECOR STEALS  Get It While You Still Can


This is what they have today.  See what I mean, 80's, right?  

Here's the click if you want to subscribe.

Monday, April 22, 2013

There are such good people in the world...


Yesterday hubby and I were nearing a busy intersection, and we saw a man in the middle of the road, walking toward the median, waving his arms.    Naturally, traffic was stopped in all directions, and my immediate thought was to be irritated because we were having to wait.  Then other people started getting out of their cars, and we were straining to see what was going on.

In just a minute here came a mama duck with her 3 little goslings marching across the road, and all of these people were helping them get safely across.  The goslings were so young that one of them couldn't hop the curb and a man scooped it up and put it in the grass.

It was one of those moments that  gives you faith in humanity.  The world is full of good people, they just don't make the news.  It was a special moment in time, one of those you don't forget...

Don't you just love home delivery….


The UPS man rings the doorbell with a package, and it's like he's giving you a present.  I simply block out the fact that I paid for what he's delivering and dig into it with gusto.


Today this Martha Stewart Jadeite Honey Pot arrived.  Yes, I know it's cute, I've had this very one for several years, but the cleaning lady had an oops and the lid got broken.  Martha Stewart's Online Store has been discontinued for a few years now, and her products are liquid gold, but I loved it and had to have another.  Thank goodness for eBay, what would we do without it!

Pricey little devil, but the UPS Man brought it, so it was free.  Um-hmmmm, sure it was.  Tell that to LC...

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