Saturday, January 19, 2008

Such a lazy day...

It's a cold, blustery day in Heavensville. I've been sitting at the computer, playing with scrapbooking pages. I finally dragged myself out to the grocery store this afternoon, messy hair, minimal makeup, I even went to an out of the way store that I don't regularly frequent, hoping not to be recognized, and I wasn't... Egads, a few years ago I wouldn't have thought of leaving the house without full warpaint, hair and "outfitted."

It's just not that important these days, especially today. Iwould rather scrap. Well, I did make a pot of chili, I wasn't totally worthless..

You can see Maggie's new pages at Milly Scraps -

Or you can access them HERE and HERE...

Baby Boomers, heads up....

Okay, if you are under 55, just ignore this post. All the rest, I was watching ABC news tonight on social security and whether you retire at 62 or wait until 65, yadayadayada - It's really informative, girlfriends - a must read... ~ jan

Here's the click...

Friday, January 18, 2008

It will always be home to me...

Today I went "home," meaning childhood "home." It's so different now, the exterior has been altered, and not for the better I might add, what we once nurtured is so neglected now, so many of the trees of my youth are no longer there, the tacky outbuildings that the last owner erected are unfamiliar to me, spoiling the view of the acreage behind the house. Gone is the wooden railed porch with it's wonderful old creaky porch swing, the soft dove gray wood siding has been replaced by vinyl, the paned wooden "front door" with it's big brown porcelain knob that opened using a skeleton key is long gone as well... So many things have changed... except for the lay of the land.

That's the one thing that doesn't change, the turns in the road, the way my beloved ditch snakes its way alongside the property, the hills and valleys of the nearby fields, and finally the very best part, the one constant thing I can depend on, the country sounds. As always, I asked LC to stop near the house, turn off the engine, roll down the windows and then I just sat and listened to the quiet. Those old familiar sounds envelop me like a soothing balm, the chirping of the birds, the smell of the earth, the wind rustling in the trees. That's the best part, the rest of it just isn't the same anymore, but then neither am I.

I got out of the car, with my sweet little Maggie scampering at my feet, and I watched her for awhile, standing next to the road of my childhood, and then I snapped this picture of her, took a cleansing breath, scooped her up, got back into the car, rolled up the window, and as we drove away, I was smiling.

I'm grateful, this Friday evening in January, for my simple, country childhood, for family and friends and sweet little dogs and for being able to revisit my roots, however briefly, even if it isn't the same...

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well, I took time yesterday and posted a new page. It's a big box of valentine candy, pretty cute page, too, sez me, tooting my own horn. Stripping

Most of you probably link directly to this page, but it is fun to visit my original index page to see what I'm doing with it.... So check it out - here's the CLICK...

Jean is still visiting, I'm outta here, gotta poke my head in the fridge, see what's in there....

Later 'gators...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Check this out....

Jenny sent me the FUNNIEST letter about a "Happy Period." I posted it to GirlTalk - it's a must read, if you want a big smile....

Here's the Click...

~ jan

Remember this???

Our day yesterday.....

Click on the picture collage to enlarge it, Hysterical

Now you would think that two old women out taking pictures would go somewhere picturesque, get lovely shots, boring, ordinary places, boring ordinary pictures. Right??? Heck no...

We hotfooted it right down to Shantytown, a river camp in Heavensville. Oh, it was a rock road, full of potholes and big mudholes and Hooterville was yellin' at me "don't slow down, don't slow down, you'll get stuck", "WATCH OUT FOR THAT HOLE, HO", yep, she was just a frettin, and I was yellin' right back at her, saying, "I was raised on a dirt road, and I know how to drive in mud so just SHUT UP!" And I DID, I didn't even come close to getting us stuck. Not even once. I executed those mudholes perfectly...

And she had her arm hung out the window, snappin' those pictures as fast as she could and all of a sudden she heard this huge WOOF, and you never saw a woman yank her arm back in a car and roll up a window so fast in your life. She was just sure that river camp was full of drug dealers and that their dog was gonna get us. I was laughing til' tears ran down my cheeks.

It was a HOOT, I tell ya, a HOOT!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One of my alltime favorite movies, The Egg and I, 1947, Claudette Colbert and Fred MacMurray

What we've been up to...

Dinner last night was Jambalaya, peas, a baguette and Andrea's Garlic Salad. That salad is so good, Hooterville adored it.. I posted the recipe for you on Jan Can Cook - give it a try, ladies - it's wonderful. ~ jan

Here's the CLICK...

Monday, January 14, 2008

What happens when a childhood buddy since we were toddlers visits...

You go out for the day and fuss about everything from bad driving (mine) to stupidity (me) to politics (her) to celebrities, (both) all in good fun...

You buy multiple bags of candy, rip open the licorice in the car and stuff your face all the way home, ruining your appetite for dinner...

You sit in the living room by the fireplace, pet your dogs and totally crack up, laughing so much you are rolling on the furniture with tears streaming down your face...

Yep that's what happens when two old friends way on the wrong side of 50 55 get together... Hooterville is visiting and it's pretty much a laugh a minute, wish you could all could be here with us....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Butterscotch Brownies

A big giggle for all of you this morning...

Hooterville sent me this picture first thing this morning. This could be Munchie, it looks just like her. Oh how cute is this. The Hoot is on her way over today to hang out with me for a few days. Should be an interesting week....

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