Thursday, March 22, 2007

Singing in the rain...

Have you ever been walking and you car is far away and it started to rain? Yep, that was me this morning. I was doing my mile at Burdette, walking with a nice lady named Trina, and it was sprinkling, but what the heck, we kept going. Then it started to REALLY rain, OMG, by the time I got to the car, I was totally soaked, hair plastered to my head. Talk about invigorating.

So here I sit, fresh from a hot shower, all bundled up in my winter bathrobe, with a mug of hot tea. Is it spring?

I posted a recipe on Eating Right for Chocolate Chip Cookies. I made them, they were wonderful, only 4 tablespoons of butter, too. 114 calories per cookie. But seriously, who just eats ONE chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven. *sigh* There is NO hope!!!!

I'm outta here, bathtime for the M&M's this morning - I'll be wet again by the time it's over!

Later 'gators...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I have proof positive...

And here it is. First of all let me say that this is a rather fetching man, don't you think? Unfortunately I met him in the obits. Yeah, I read the obituaries daily, hey at my age, you never know who's gonna be pushin' up daisies.

So anyhoo, my family has argued for years over whether or not people's ears grow as they age. I think I've even Googled it and it says it is a myth. And since families tend to post their relatives pictures with their announcements, usually a "before" and an "after," I've been checking them out. Just couldn't resist posting this dapper guy, whose ears DEFINITELY grew as he aged.

I know, I know, this is just insane, but you have to admit, his ears are definitely bigger in his old age. Egads, I just hope no family members read this blog. *blush*

I rest my case...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

In my next life...

I've got it all figured out. If I can't live on a horse farm in Virginia and breed Yorkies, then I'm going to do this.... Now, before you think I've gone totally bat shit crazy ya'll, which in all probablility I have, and just don't realize it, this is what I want to do in my next life.

Well, first of all, you all must realize what a fixation I have with bread and yeast. I simply ADORE, ADORE, ADORE, the smell of bread rising. And this morning, when LC and I were out and about, we drove past the Bunny Bread plant, and it came to me in a flash! In some capacity, I want to work in a bread manufacturing plant.

I'm sure you are all going, WHAT THE...... but imagine the smell, imagine smelling that wonderful, doughy yeast ALL-DAY-LONG!!!! Would that be heaven or what?

Ya, I know it's a bit far-fetched, but oh lordy, is that smell intoxicating...

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