Friday, March 6, 2015

Vintage Aprons, a blast from the past...




When I was a girl, women wore aprons every day.  I seldom saw my grandmother without one, my mother and aunts all wore them, it was just what you did.  Aprons were great for gathering things, their pockets held treasures for kids, it was warm, homey, it was comforting thing seeing a woman at a kitchen stove wearing an apron.

So why don’t I just dig out aprons and wear them?  BECAUSE, I have no waist, that’s why.  All I need is something emphasizing my past middle aged waistline.  Oh, vanity thy name is Jan.

But if you’re crafty, or know someone who is, you might take a chapter from days gone by and sew this.  Here’s the link to the pattern.



Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pioneer Woman's Kitchen, Cooking & Dinnerware Products





Pioneer Woman’s new kitchen line debuts soon, how exciting is this?  Well it is, quit rolling your eyes!  I’ve always been such a fan of Ree Drummond, and yes, I know, I have enough kitchen products to last me beyond this lifetime.  But how will I be able to resist snapping up some a lot of her goodies.

Well, I won’t resist, I just won’t.  I’ll be at the head of the line!  That is all.  ~ Jan

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

C'mon winter, give it up!!!!


What a horrid day we’re having in Heavensville.  Snow is piling up, they’re forecasting 10-12 inches before this storm moves through.  The temps are in the high twenties, Mom always said we get the biggest snowfalls at these temperatures.  That’s the bad news, the good news is the weather forecast is in the 50’s for next week.  

Hubby braved the ice this morning to fill the bird feeders. I have a tree full of grateful robins, at least that’s making me smile.

We’re so over this winter….

Beauty Blender, is it really worth $20


You bet your bootie it is!  It’s worth every penny.  If you’re not familiar with a Beauty Blender, it’s a makeup sponge, and you’re thinking, "Jan, you’ve lost your mind, no way am I going to pay $20 for a little pink egg sponge."  Okay, hang onto that $20 but you’re missing out on something really great, you know I always share the good stuff, and trust me, this one is a winner!
I researched this extensively, cause that’s what I do, the majority of the reviewers say to not even try buying a knock-off, the foam isn’t the same, the knock-offs are hard and stiff and don’t absorb the makeup like the Beauty Blender, so you don’t get the same results.  C’mon ladies, it’s like going through Starbucks four times, just cough up the money for this.
What it doesn’t do is turn back time.  There is no way that we are going to take our aging skin and make it look young again.  You still have the sags, the wrinkles, oh aren’t I Miss Merry Sunshine this morning.  But what the Beauty Blender does is blend your makeup flawlessly.  I’m attaching Kandee’s video below, I did just what she did.  Got it wet, squeezed it dry with a towel and got started.  The only thing I didn’t do was apply the foundation directly to the Blender, I think you get more control by putting it in your palm and then dabbing the blender in it.
So I stippled on my foundation like she did in the video, wow, it did to go on smoothly, just like she said, no lines of demarcation, no unevenness, it worked amazingly well.  But did I quit, oh heck no, I just kept going.  I dabbed my concealer in it, put it on, went on smooth as silk, then I dabbed my loose powder in it and did the same.  And I still kept going, I used it to apply my powder blush and I actually dabbed it in my beloved MAC eyeshadow and applied my eyeshadow with it.   Smooth, smooth, smooth, totally blended, easy, fast, it’s a winner.  This thing rocks!  I didn’t spend more money for their cleanser, I just used baby shampoo to rinse it in, and yep, it immediately stains, but  who cares.  The reviewers also say it works great to rinse it in Dawn Dishwashing Liquid.  They also sell it in white and red.  White, I don’t think so, and I’m not a fan of red, pink works for me.
This thing is a staple from now on for this old makeup junkie.  Do you want one and not leave your house?  Get it from Nordstroms, free shipping, it will arrive in a few days.  Why not Amazon?  Because reviewers say that sometimes they are knock-offs from Amazon, and I didn’t want to chance it.  I didn’t want to wait, so I got mine at Sephora, don’t try Ulta, they don’t have it. But it’s a cold day,  it’s snowy, it’s winter, just order the darn thing.  You can get it from Beauty Blender’s site, too, but they don’t have free ship like Nordie’s does.
Here’s the click to order, take a deep breath, fork over $20 for a sponge that’s hideously overpriced and you too can have flawless makeup.  Some things are just worth the money.  Know what I mean, Vern...
Oh, you can email me and thank me after you buy it, you’re gonna love this one, trust me.  ~ Jan

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Eyelash Curler Tip

 I’ve been curling my eyelashes since the stone age.  I distinctly remember the first time I used an eyelash curler, I was probably fourteen or fifteen, I didn’t know what I was doing and I clamped both the upper and lower lashes at once.  Wowza!!!!  Comprehension has never been my strong point, and that little incident was painful beyond words.  But I persevered and have been curling daily ever since.

Now comes a new way to do it.  I saw this video on Facebook yesterday and was intrigued.  I got up this morning and tried it, and it really does make a difference.  Now you have to remember that at my advanced age, eyelashes are not what they used to be, they’re sparse, yeah, sparse that’s a good word.  But I did this little trick, slightly apprehensive that it would hurt, but it didn’t, and they're definitely curled.

So give it a go, what else do you have to do this dreary winter day.  We’re getting more snow tomorrow,  they can’t forecast how much yet, anywhere from 6 to 13 inches.  THIRTEEN INCHES, oh surely we won’t get that much!  My crocus won’t be up until June at the rate we’re going….

Monday, March 2, 2015

The robins have arrived in Heavensville


They’ve been flocking to my bird feeder this morning, sometimes as many as twenty at a time.

You know what this means, don’t you?  Spring is coming!!!!

I look at the snow covered around and it still seems so far away, but it won’t be long now.  Soon, very soon...

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