Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Eyelash Curler Tip

 I’ve been curling my eyelashes since the stone age.  I distinctly remember the first time I used an eyelash curler, I was probably fourteen or fifteen, I didn’t know what I was doing and I clamped both the upper and lower lashes at once.  Wowza!!!!  Comprehension has never been my strong point, and that little incident was painful beyond words.  But I persevered and have been curling daily ever since.

Now comes a new way to do it.  I saw this video on Facebook yesterday and was intrigued.  I got up this morning and tried it, and it really does make a difference.  Now you have to remember that at my advanced age, eyelashes are not what they used to be, they’re sparse, yeah, sparse that’s a good word.  But I did this little trick, slightly apprehensive that it would hurt, but it didn’t, and they're definitely curled.

So give it a go, what else do you have to do this dreary winter day.  We’re getting more snow tomorrow,  they can’t forecast how much yet, anywhere from 6 to 13 inches.  THIRTEEN INCHES, oh surely we won’t get that much!  My crocus won’t be up until June at the rate we’re going….


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