Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do you remember Betsy McCall?



I loved Betsy McCall when I was a little girl in the 50’s, and eagerly awaited every issue of McCall’s Magazine because they always had a new story about Betsy and a page of dolls to cut out and play with.




It was great marketing, because you could also order patterns in McCalls Magazine so that your mom could sew you the same outfits.

Just a little trip down memory lane this sunny fall afternoon, I bet I’ve jogged memories of Betsy for others, as well.  Right V?


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Poor little Ben



He had tubes put in his ears this morning, now he’s recovering at home, looking like he wants to make a run for the border!  Poor little guy, but this is going to put an end to those nasty ear infections.  Love him!!!!

Wonderful baby news!!!!!



Our son John, and his wife Deanna are expecting!  We are so happy for them, they will be such amazing parents, and they are just estatic about this baby.

And yes, we know what it is, but that’s for Deanna to share with you.

Link to her blog here and find out...

I’m such a proud Grammie to be!!!!!

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