Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Black Eyed Peas Casserole for New Years Day


I first posted this recipe back in 2007.  My now ninety-six year old neighbor has made this forever on New Years Day, and yes, she will be making it this year as well, and it is absolutely fantastic.  Pair it with some crusty fresh bread and a green salad and it’s just the best, ever!!!

I posted it again on Jan CAN Cook, if you make black-eyed peas for luck on New Years Day, this is a winner!

Link here to the recipe

Terri Lee Dolls, they're back!!!

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When I was a little girl I had a Terri Lee doll.  It was my very favorite doll, I thought she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.  And my mother who never threw away anything got rid of her!  And I wasn’t alone, my friend Nisha still has her Terri Lee, my cousin Judy’s mother had the entire Family of Terri Lee dolls and a boatload of clothes, and my friend, Barb had one as well.

A few months ago, Barb told me that Terri Lee dolls were on Zulily.  I looked at them, but it was summer, so I didn’t order, and then a couple of weeks ago, she emailed me and told me they had a sale on them.  So I snapped two of these blonde beauties up for Lexi and Abby, and then I also bought the dark haired version in a sailor dress for myself.  

I know, I’m a sentimental old fool, but oh how I loved that doll and mine had dark hair, and looks very similar to the one I bought.

When Abby opened hers, the response was “what does it do, Grammie?”  Oh, how times have changed. 

As you can see above, Miss Lexi opened hers, and was fascinated with the box.

Will they grow to love these dolls?  Only time will tell, but Grammie is absolutely thrilled to have Terri Lee again.

Here’s what she looks like, isn’t she a beauty...



And below is one from the 50’s, it’s prettier than the reproduction, but this one is good enough for me...



Monday, December 29, 2014

The things grandparents do for the grandkids...


Hubby decided that Abby needed an aquarium for Christmas.  And Grammie knows that she loves Ariel, The Little Mermaid, and since five year old girls adore castles and pink, we put this Little Mermaid themed aquarium together for her.

It was so much fun finding the castles and the decorations, after all her Grammie and P-Pa do love to decorate, and she was thrilled with it, jumping up and down, screaming and telling us, “this is the best day of my life."

Mom, Dad and Ben all trudged to the pet store yesterday to pick out her new fish, Bubbles and Goldie, and they are now in residence.  If you look closely at the fish on the right, her belly is very distended.  Grammie is wondering if she might be “with fish.”  She looks suspiciously preggers to me.  I’ll keep you updated...



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