Tuesday, May 5, 2020

It's long past time to check in...

Such trying days we're having.  I'm so tired of staying home, days of cold, rainy weather that doesn't seem to end, I'm tired of thinking about and talking about anything that is related to COVID-19, I never want to hear the words social distancing again, yet there is no escape from it, in just two short months, this has become our new reality.

But on a much, much happier note, in late February we adopted this adorable little bundle of fur.  She is two years old, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, whose name was Maggie, so we didn't change it and she has been such a help to both hubby and me during this time.  It was meant to be, for us to get Maggie, if we had waited it wouldn't have happened.

We debated over and over again, all the reasons we didn't need another dog.  Our age, temperament, taking her out, the list went on and on, but yet I couldn't give up the idea of another dog.  We lost Maggie, our Yorkie, two years ago and I miss her every single day, but I didn't want another Yorkie, it just wouldn't be the same.  I've always loved Cavies, especially the Blenheims.  We are a family of gingers, and this color just called to me.  I talked with a wonderful breeder in Eastern Tennessee who told me about a friend of hers, another Cavalier breeder who had two dogs she was retiring.  I called and talked to her, we quickly realized that neither of those dogs would work.  They were both over 15 lbs. and five years old, I needed a dog that was more compact, one that I could handle easily and bathe in the sink.

After I told the breeder about my life situation, she told me that there was another option.  Enter Miss Maggie, two years old, twelve pounds, a dog that she kept to breed but Maggie was too small to breed to her other dogs.

So one pretty Thursday morning in February we drove three hours, past Chattanooga to meet Maggie.  You never know what to expect when you meet a dog, for me it was love at first site because she was a cuddler.  Even though she didn't know me, I picked her up and she nuzzled right into my neck and held on for dear life.  It was a perfect match.

And so we brought her home, and none of our worries ever materialized.  We feel like we won the doggie lotto because she is the most gentle little soul.  She has no bad habits, she doesn't potty in the house, she rarely barks, she just wants to be by your side.  She's definitely my dog, she shadows my every step and brings me so much joy.

And that has been our spring.  One of the few bright spots, except for our good health.  I haven't seen my Lexington grandkids in months, I miss them so much, I do get to see Lexi, but only from a distance, she doesn't even get to pet Maggie.  I pray this will be over soon, but the reality of it is that we don't know when we will be comfortable being in public, and certainly not in restaurants.

But life goes on, Mother Nature doesn't realize there is a virus, the flowers bloom the birds sing and we all hope for better, sunnier days ahead.

Stay safe, don't let your guard down, we're not through this yet.

~ Hugs from Jan & Maggie...

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