Memories of a great Thanksgiving in the Smoky Mountains. We were snowed in from Tuesday until Friday, then literally had to drive on ice covered, steep, steep mountain roads down the mountain to shop. But we persevered, seriously scary, though, seriously scary. Ryan and his family were in Washington State visiting Lindsay’s family, so we gathered up the fur kids, John, Deanna, LC and I and trekked to the snow covered mountains for our turkey day, ummm, make that chicken and dumpling day, so much better than turkey. And yes, it was idyllic until we had to go down that mountain. But the shopping was great, so it was worth it.
And a picture of hubby and I that I actually like. We seldom take pictures together with LC smiling, so this is a keeper, and that snowy mountain is such a good backdrop. Even little Maggie is festive, all decked out in her Christmas coat.
So now I’m looking at pictures of sweet little Abby visiting her Great Grandma Baron.
And Ben, sitting on his Daddy’s lap, playing on the cell phone like a pro. No photos of Lindsay, though, she’s a mom, and moms are always behind the camera. :(
Deanna gave me this cute little snowman mug last weekend to sit on my coffee maker. I always keep my Splenda nearby in a vintage cottage cheese jar, and now I have hot chocolate in this great little sour cream jar that hubby picked up at a flea market last weekend. I put it all together this morning, and have a huge smile on my face just looking at it.
I’m thinking of making a sugar-free version of mother’s Russian Tea for the holiday season, but I’m having trouble finding Sugar Free Tang. Tang makes it, but people don’t drink Tang like they once did, stores don’t stock it and so far I haven’t had any luck finding it.
I posted a really awesome 2 carb, 25 calorie hot chocolate mix this morning on Jan CAN Cook Lowcarb - link to the recipe here - I stirred it up a bit ago, and it literally took under a minute to make it. You’re looking at it in my little jar, and it has hubby’s seal of approval. He loves it, and adding just a splash of half and half really gives it a great flavor.
And I’m happy to say, not that it’s interesting to all of you, but I feel the need to document this, after I gave myself permission to eat Thanksgiving Day and the eve before, I went right back to low carb and made it through the entire trip without gaining any weight. I didn’t lose, but the fact that I stayed the same was pretty awesome.
So I have a lot to smile about this morning. Christmas decorating is almost finished, shopping is 75% complete, the family is all safely back home, and I’m listening to Christmas music and looking forward to the holidays.
Hope you’re all enjoying Cyber Monday!!!! ~ jan