Saturday, November 7, 2009

I’ve got a great site for you this morning….

Hooterville has done it again, she found this site called MaggWire.  It has articles from 650 different magazines.  There is a dropdown menu at the top of the page that lets you choose what interests you.  Try it, it’s an amazing thing.

Here’s the click…

~ jan

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It’s Hooterville’s birthday!!!!!!


Happy Birthday, Jeanne Lynne!!!!!

Wasn’t she a cutey? 

Love the flip…

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Abby, Month 1


I’m not sure what format I will be using for Abby’s monthly albums, but for now you can access the first one by just clicking on her picture.  I’ll get it all sorted out soon, I just wanted to get this posted so you all could see how she’s growing. 

I’m not finished with this, it’s a little rough yet, but the natives are getting restless for new pictures, and of course Grammie can’t wait to show her off.  I’ll tweak it tomorrow…

~ jan


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Turkey Day Faves are back…

at A few years ago I first published Jan & Friends Thanksgiving  Recipes; they’ve been a huge success, so many of you have emailed me to tell you how much you enjoy them.  It was a labor of love, lots of tried ‘n true recipes from my friends, some of which have been handed down for generations. 

A few that get a lot of requests are Jan & Kaysi’s Cranberry Jello Salad, Barb’s Melt in Your Mouth Pumpkin Bread, and Nisha’s Famous Chicken Velvet Soup. If you’re new to the site, and aren’t familiar with the recipes, you might want to give it a click.  You can access them from the right sidebar, and I’ll keep them up all month.  Every single recipe is great, you won’t be disappointed.  Pinkie swear…

~ jan

This is about as good as it gets…


I’ve just figured out what’s been missing in my life.  Abby! 

Oh, this Grammie stuff is so much fun, and she is such a sweet little soul.  I’m having so much fun rocking and cuddling, wish you were all here so you could oooh and aaah with me.

~ jan

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Life is good…

I’m going to see Abby today!  Amazing how a three week old granddaughter changes my  mood from gloom to glee!!!

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