Friday, July 22, 2011

Oldies but Goodies…

strawberry jello w bananas

Remember when you were a kid and your mom used to make strawberry Jello and put bananas and strawberries in it?  It’s still crazy good.  I made some yesterday, and it was like going back in time.

Okay, so I did eat it with a dollop of yogurt, something I never had as a child, and a sprinkle of nuts, but oh, it was so refreshing.  I tossed the bananas with Fruit Fresh so they wouldn’t turn dark, and it was sublime.



And, continuing my little trek down memory lane, I’ve been using 20 Mule Team Borax to freshen my linens this summer.  It’s only been around since the beginning of time, and it still clumps in the box, but it’s awesome, makes everything smell so clean.  Now if I just had a clothesline.

Oh, well, a girl’s gotta dream…

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Organize your life with Wunderlist…

It’s too hot to do anything else, why not get organized.  I have found the neatest app, totally free, and it works with Windows, Mac, Ipad, Android and Iphone and allows you to syncronize between everything.

It’s not difficult to figure out, it’s very simple to use, just watch this video to get you started.  If you’re like me and most of my friends, we can’t remember anything.  Our thoughts are so elusive, they’re gone in a heartbeat, but with this little application you can quickly type out what you  need to remember, and you’ve got it on your computer and if you have a smartphone or iPad, you can sync with it.  You can even email your lists to your friends, and share lists with people, so they can add to them as well.

The possibilities are endless, just watch the video and give it a try.  What else do you have going on this steamy day.

~ jan

Here’s the free download….


Sunday, July 17, 2011

My summer garden…

I took some pictures of my garden this weekend and made an album.  Enjoy…

~ jan

If you double click the picture, it will enlarge to full screen

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