Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yakky Doodle, I was such a fan in the day…

IT was his voice and his sweetness, I liked so much.  This was my childhood favorite….

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Everything you ever wanted to know about a Yorkshire Terrier

Okay, so this is an advertisement for Eukanuba Dog Food, which by the way, the M&M’s do not eat, but my breeder does give it to her dogs.  Mine eat Merrick’s Senior Medley canned food, mixed with small kibbles of Natural Balance Duck and Potato.

Oops, got off track, so even though it’s a commercial, it's a cute little video, featuring absolutely darling Yorkies. Did you ever notice it’s mostly “older” women who have these dogs?  Duh, Jan…

Dogs, you gotta love ‘em…

I swear, Maggie Moo has some kind of an internal alarm clock.  When two o’clock rolls around, she starts barking for a snack.  Mollie chimes in with the occasional woof, but it’s Mags who instigates the whole thing…

Okay, it’s 2pm, the barking starts and I head for the kitchen with them following at my heels, but first I have to make a pit stop.  They are both standing in front of me in the bathroom, staring me down, and as soon as they hear the  flush, they are both off like a shot, just like out of the gate at the horse races, running for the kitchen as fast as their furry little legs will carry them, with me giggling and following behind.

Maggie always gets what she wants with both hubby and me, always.  And sweet little Mollie, she’s smart enough to know that what Maggie gets, she gets, and she can be the innocent one.

And what was this wonderful snack they were anticipating??? Just a piece of string cheese…

It’s those simple things, again…


Topsy Turvy vs. Revolution Tomato Planters…


I know, I know, I’m running a bit late in the season with the tomato info, however, they are still selling tomato plants in the garden center, and if you plant now, you can have late tomatoes this fall.

I bought a Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter this week at good old Marshalls.  My neighbors have Topsy Turv’s, and they actually are doing great, they have clusters of  tomatoes all over the vines.  Hubby came home and planted it for me, and I actually read the instructions that told me to use a fertilizer with a low first number on it, to get optimal blossoms and tomatoes.  Hint:  This translates into using Monty’s Joy Juice,  which is available on this website or at your local garden center if you live in the Midwest.

After I bought mine and hung it, I was reading online about how often to water, and people were talking about how much better this Revolution Planter is than the Topsy Turvy.  They say it’s stronger, the bag doesn’t disintegrate, and it has a watering level indicator.    Apparently people are growing, not only tomatoes, but strawberries, zucchini, peppers, all kinds of veggies in these things.

But even if these are better, those Topsy Turvy ones the neighbors have look great to me.  But it’s all about choices, right???

So, even if you don’t plant upside down tomatoes this year, you might be interested in doing it next spring.  I’ll take some pix of the neighbor’s plants and post them later…

Here’s the link to the Revolution Site….

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bill O’Reilly talking about Michael Jackson…

Tales from the ….. bathroom!

You know how it is, you’re looking forward to a nice relaxing shower, a little downtime before bed, and somehow things just don’t work out for you.

First of all I sat down on the side of the tub.  Big mistake, huge mistake.  How did I not see the tube of toothpaste lying there??? Well, I didn’t, and I plopped down right on top of it, the cap shot off, and toothpaste squirted everywhere.  Geezy Pete, I cleaned up that mess, proceeded to turn on the water, forgot that the shower head was turned on, and blasted myself full force.  I didn’t want to get my hair wet tonight, I’m trying to relax, here.

Okay, so I decided to try out my new bodywash with gentle exfoliating beads of moisture.  So I squirted a big glop of it on my loofah, raked it across my boobs, and screamed!!!   Yes I did, I screamed!  Gentle?  GENTLE???  GENTLE, HELL!!!!! Omg, the body wash must have had tiny shards of glass in it, I fully expected my loofah to be streaked with blood!!!  That stuff went straight into the trash, and I was reduced to bathing with this little tiny sliver of a leftover bar of soap that I found in my shower tote!  It was so stale it had no scent, and let’s face it, evening showers are all about the scent…

Meanwhile Molly was sniffing around suspiciously, eying up my bathroom rug like she was going to do her business right in the middle of it, so I quick rinsed off and hustled her off to the patio for one last potty run.

Now I’m in bed, just drank a cup of hot, well lukewarm tea, which will probably cause me to make numerous potty runs myself, tonight.

Law-dee, and all I wanted was a shower…

Boogie Woogie Piano, Tommy Johnson…. oh yeah……

Ohhh, do I have a recipe for you…

Last night I was watching FoodTv, and they were showcasing chef’s very favorite desserts.  The pecan pie from Brigsten’s in New Orelans looked absolutely amazing, the secret is roasted ground pecans in the filling.

I found not only the recipe, but the how-to video.  It’s a must see.

Here’s a quick click, I posted it on Jan CAN Cook…

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lilas AM & PM Yoga – Workouts for Seniors


I’ve been fascinated by Yoga for years, but I “assumed” that it was very intensive, and involved a lot of leg and foot action, so I “assumed” I couldn’t do it.

Lindsay loves yoga; I’ve seen some of her moves, and you practically have to be a contortionist to do them.  So I just chalked it up to one more of the things that I can’t do.

I was on a website recently, and discovered a book called “Easy Does It Yoga” for seniors and physically challenged people.  I checked it out at the library, and sure enough, it was a lot of breathing, meditation, chair exercises, with a lot of concentration on upper body, which I would be able to do.  Lindsay looked at the book last weekend, and was giving me tips on body alignment, things the book didn’t tell me, and since I’m more visual, I would much prefer watching a DVD while going thru the program.   I started Googling, but had no luck with a DVD for Easy Does It Yoga, but then I found Lilas AM & PM Yoga – Workouts for Seniors.  It got good revues, so I decided to try it.  AND, since I love the thrill of a chase, I looked it up on eBay, sure enough, there it was for the bargain basement price of $2.77, with $3.00 for S/H.  It’s a dutch auction, meaning they have several copies of this, so if you’re interested, here’s the link to the eBay auction, so you can order it, too.

Here’s the product information for you -

 Product Description

This specially designed program brings the immediate and lasting benefits of yoga to mature adults. Join famed PBS-TV instructor Lilias! as she demonstates how yoga can unlock your personal energy, teach you to listen to your body, and find your inner wisdom. Her encouragement and motivating nature will inspire you to use yoga to enhance health, joy and delight in your life. This delightful yoga program is the perfect way to start the day. Discover how good you feel with Lilias! AM & PM Yoga Workouts for Seniors.

Program includes:

A.M. Yoga Workout

    * liberates your natural energy
    * builds strength and confidence
    * improves circulation and range of motion in joints
    * maintains a strong back
    * breathing techniques to build energy and clear the mind
    * prepares you for the day with flexibility and vitality

P.M. Yoga Workout

    * soothes and strengthens your back
    * calms nerves
    * uplifts your mood
    * releases stress burrowing in the jaw, neck, shoulders & back
    * dissipates headaches
    * stretches the entire body
    * maintains healthy knees & joints
    * eases you off to sleep

Yoga can be a wonderful part of your life. Studies are finding positive benefits from yoga, including the prevention and reversal of heart disease and many other health concerns. It is easy-to-learn and has the power to lift your mood and energy level and enrich your body, mind and spirit. I encourage you to use these techniques of conscious living throughout your day as you discover the many joys of yoga.—Lilias Folan

"Lilias has done it again! This is an extraordinary program. Without question, it’s my favorite yoga DVD. I use it and I love it."—Richard Carlson, Ph.D., author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

And the Yoga mat???? You can pick one up for $10.00 at Marshall’s or TJ Maxx.  Don’t you just love a deal???


Evian Roller Babies, cute beyond belief…

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick thoughts from my July 4th weekend…

  • The entire family was here, so much fun, lots of side splitting laughter, actually.
  • Homemade ice cream, the lemon was wonderful, the roasted banana was a flop.
  • Made Mother’s recipe for hot fudge sauce, it’s still the best!
  • Oreo (John’s 14 year old cocker) still going strong, despite her health problems she is as fiesty as ever.
  • Lindsay’s baby bump is absolutely adorable and she is just glowing.  The baby kicks so much now, and we were able to feel her thumps.  Babies are a true miracle…
  • We had a rainy 4th in Heavensville and never made it to the fireworks, instead we ate bbq in the den and watched NASCAR.
  • Made the Lemonade Frozen Pie that I posted on Jan CAN Cook, it was a huge hit…  Great recipe…
  • Enjoyed having Deanna here so much, she’s such a ray of sunshine, always giggling, so much fun to be with…
  • John and Ryan were in rare form all weekend, they always morph back into 12 year olds when they come home…
  • Hubby had to work this weekend, we’re all looking forward to him retiring, then we will go to the kids houses for holidays…

Now the house is quiet, I’ll get back into my routine, and enjoy this sunny week we have forecasted…

~ jan

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