Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dogs, you gotta love ‘em…

I swear, Maggie Moo has some kind of an internal alarm clock.  When two o’clock rolls around, she starts barking for a snack.  Mollie chimes in with the occasional woof, but it’s Mags who instigates the whole thing…

Okay, it’s 2pm, the barking starts and I head for the kitchen with them following at my heels, but first I have to make a pit stop.  They are both standing in front of me in the bathroom, staring me down, and as soon as they hear the  flush, they are both off like a shot, just like out of the gate at the horse races, running for the kitchen as fast as their furry little legs will carry them, with me giggling and following behind.

Maggie always gets what she wants with both hubby and me, always.  And sweet little Mollie, she’s smart enough to know that what Maggie gets, she gets, and she can be the innocent one.

And what was this wonderful snack they were anticipating??? Just a piece of string cheese…


  1. LOL...same scenario here! Only it's Max who's got the timing down. And here, it's 10 am for a "snack", noon for a "treat", 2 pm for another "snack", 5 pm for dinner and 8 pm for their nitey nite snack! And he's ALWAYS right on time (although sometimes he likes to get a 15 min. early start if he can). NO wonder he's my PORKY YORKIE! I had to start giving them less for their snacks. My friend says I need to watch Victoria whats her name and give them a distraction. Not much distracts Max though....he wants his food BEFORE going out to play! They're so SMART!


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