Saturday, January 18, 2014

Masculine Moments...


Men are soooo stupid!  My friend Barb sent me this, it’s so funny, you will love it...



I’ve never been one of those people who wants to go away for the winter.  I’m a homebody, I just like my little nest, but after this gawdawful winter, I’m rethinking it.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to go to Florida for January and February and then I can post about how warm it is when everybody else is freezing their butts off.  Ya think?

I’ll let you know more next January...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Uppiesbeads59 Husband Tag



Crazy Miss Tammy, my favorite YouTube personality interviewed her husband yesterday.  It will give you smiles this morning, and we all need that on a cold, snowy January day.  Just wish she would show his face, but it isn’t going to happen.  *sigh*

Enjoy!  ~ Jan

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Russian Mother Takes Magical Pictures of her Kids and Animals

Animal children photography elena shumilova 9



Animal children photography elena shumilova 18


These are some of the most stunning photographs I’ve ever seen, but this is just a sample.   Take a few minutes, click on this link and just enjoy the magic this woman creates with her camera.

One of the best links I’ve ever shared...


Kitten Plays Computer on The Tonight Show


How can you not think this is just hilarious...

Hoover the Kitty Gives Baby a Bath...



I think this is adorable, but then I’m an animal lover.  If you don’t like cats, you will be going ewwwwww, but this is such a sweet little kitty, just doing what comes naturally to cats, washing somebody that he apparently loves.

Diane Keaton Golden Globe Appearance vs. Photoshopped L'Oreal Commercial



These pictures have exploded on the internet this week.  All the hubba hubba is over the L’Oreal commercial that ran immediately following Diane Keaton’s live onstage appearance.  Twitter was on fire with people talking about how she looks in real life versus the air brushed version of herself in the L’Oreal commercial.

I’ve said many times, there is nothing wrong with aging and looking your age, but I feel so sorry for older women in the public eye who have to constantly struggle to look artificially younger.  Sure she looks amazing and more like 40 than her true age of 68 in the commercials, but it isn’t real life..  And shame on these companies for women not being “good enough” as they are to sell their products.  Do we really buy products thinking that we will magically turn back the hands of time and look young again?  We’re not that stupid, we’re savvy women, we know that we can’t stop the powerful force that is Mother Nature.

Just my two cents worth this morning,  Let us grow old as gracefully as we can, don’t continue to exploit us with this unnatural photoshopping nonsense.  It certainly doesn’t want me to rush out to buy what companies that photoshop their ads are trying to sell us..

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Renovating an Old House in Upstate New York







Isn’t this amazing?  This was on Country Living’s site today, click here to access the slide show of the interior.  What an amazing transformation...

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Grands on their way to school this morning...


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Pretty adorable, huh...

Sunday, January 12, 2014



The new projection clock I blogged about last week arrived, and it’s a hit!

I was worried that the display would be too bright, as some of the commenters complained about that, but it’s not, it’s perfect.  Want to spend $29 for a super gadget?  Here’s the link, go for it!



I also made a low carb lasagna that I posted on Jan CAN Cook Low Carb, and it’s one of the best low carb dishes I’ve ever made.  Here’s the link, totally yummy!

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