I read the first book, then the second, then the third. The author cleverly left you hanging, so you had to read the next book to see what would happen.
Well, let me tell you, by the time I was finished, I was sick, sick, sick of sex! I mean c’mon people, even if it’s about bondage, there are only so many things you can do. And over and over again, the author talked about Christian’s eyes darkening and Ana looking at him with downcast eyes, it was total, complete ad nauseum!!!!
This book was so hyped, and so read by women, it seems older women love it. I think I was in the minority, the only thing that saved it for me was it was a good storyline. But all the whips and chains is just not my thing. I was actually claustrophobic when he would tie her up, so I skimmed a lot. Would I recommend reading it, oh sure, because it is the book this year, and totally talked about. Would I read a sequel if it comes out? Oh, hell no! I’m sick to death of it!!!!
Here is a clip of Barbara Walters talking about it. Something about an 80 year old woman wearing leather, going into detail about this book is wrong on so many levels, IMO.
And while we’re on the subject, talk about wrong on so many levels, oh my, this clip of simulated sex with old people was on the news last week. It’s a site promoting safe sex for old people, seriously. When I watched the clip, I didn’t know whether to laugh, or be horrified. Talk about a visual you don’t want to see. But hey, go for it, give this a watch!
This is the REAL 50 shades of Grey!
And here’s the site link, if you’re fascinated and want to know more!
Enough already, I’m going to go out and enjoy the lovely day and try to erase the visuals of those old people from my mind!!!!