Friday, June 1, 2012

How far have women come, really…



Have you read the headlines, “Fox News Ratings are Rising, So Are The Anchor’s Skirts?”

And it’s not only Fox, the conservative right, it’s all the news stations.  They show their anchors sitting on sofas, or at desks with no fronts, all young, thin, with tanned stockingless legs in short, short skirts.  Just flip through the channels, The Today Show, CNN, Good Morning America, all are showing soft women anchor porn, as I like to call it. 

Are these women really hired on their merits? Would someone more qualified but not as attractive, as thin, or, heaven forbid, older, have a chance at a choice anchor spot on these news show?  Of course they wouldn’t!

But do we see the men in tight pants, trotting out the outline of their naughty bits for all the world to see?   Of course not!  And poor old Shephard Smith on CNN, the man looks half dead, but he’s still propped up there, reading the news.  Would a woman with serious health issues be allowed to do this?

So, when you think women are making headway in equality in the work place,  look again.  I find this totally appalling, and it’s not my age talking.  It’s a slap in the face on the ass for all women.  It always has been and always will be a man’s world, ladies, think about it…


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