Sunday, October 30, 2016

Totino's Party Pizza, what happened???


This is the Pizza of my boy’s childhood, they loved and still do.  It was always $.99, and it was a classic.  Mother was a fan as well, she would bake one and scarf down the entire thing.  Well, the guys still love it, Ryan has Ben eating it now, Lexi isn’t a fan yet, John is hopeful, but what happened to it???

Gone is the familiar red box, the 10.9 ounces of pure processed delight.  It’s been replaced with a cellophane bag and it’s now a rectangle.

WHAT, WHAT???  A RECTANGLE!!!!!!  Pizza is supposed to be ROUND!!!!!

This just isn’t right, you don’t mess with holy grail.  It’s still $.99, the price hasn’t changed, but c’mon Totino’s, it’s just not the same anymore...


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