Thursday, September 23, 2010

And so it begins….

Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Autumn


I’m old now, it’s all about comfort….

My friends and I always laughed at older woman who wore “stretchy” pants.  That would never be us, oh no, we would never wear those.  But I’m talking knit ones, or the dreaded polyester blends with the elastic waist band.  Yuck!

Well, let me tell you, these days I live in yoga pants.  If I’m home, I’m in them.  I actually resent the fact that I have to change into something that has no “give” when I go out.

Those old women know what they’re talking about with the pants that stretch.  These things are wonderful.  I’ve worn them for the past few years now, and they are just sooooo soft and comfy. 

And my pants of choice, the Nike ones, black, slim fit with a flared bottom.  They’re the best!  I love putting them on of a morning and just putzing around the house.  I’m actually looking forward to winter so that I can just settle in and not go anywhere.  I’ve always been a homebody, but now more than ever.  My computer, a good e-book, my dogs by my side, it’s pure bliss.

It’s those simple things, once again, ladies…

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh my, we’re having wea-ther….

It was 99 friggin’ degrees in Heavensville this afternoon.  Sure glad tomorrow is first day of fall, the temperature is going to drop all the way down to 95!  Whoohoo…

Holy Schmoly, is it ever gonna cool off?  I remember this time of year so well because of Ryan’s birthday.  When he was a little boy the temperatures would be cool by now,  we would have on light jackets, and the boys would be wearing little corduroy overalls with long sleeved shirts.

That was normal, 99 degrees on the 21st of September is definitely not normal!!!

Coldstone Creamery Hot Cocoa

You know I always tell you about the good stuff.  I was in Wally World yesterday, checking out the tea selection, and right beside the tea set boxes of Coldstone Creamery Hot Cocoa packets.  There were three flavors, milk chocolate, regular and dark chocolate.  I bought the regular, 70 calories, made hubby and I a cup last night, and it was awesome.  Really intense chocolate flavor, and I made it with 6 ounces of water, not milk.  It was so much better than the Swiss Miss low calorie, you will love this!

It’s a winner, here’s a $1.00 off coupon if you’re interested in trying it.

51U0gyBgJQLAnd speaking of tea, you all know I’m a huge fan of Celestial Seasonings Tea.  Well, last week Deanna and I were talking about chamomile, she loves it, I didn’t remember the taste, so I picked up a container of Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chamomile.  Oh my, it’s fantastic…

~ jan

You have to check out these cookies, ladies…


I made the best chocolate chip cookies, ever, last weekend.

Details and recipes on Jan CAN Cook

Guess who walked three steps to Auntie V last weekend…

3It was Ryan’s birthday weekend, Lindsay surprised him, arranging for four of his college friends to come visit for a long weekend, then she and Abby escaped from all that testosterone by coming to our house. 

It was a great time as usual, and little Miss Abigail actually took three steps. right into Veronica’s arms.  Can you imagine how thrilled we all were.  There was a whole lot of squealing going on.  Of course, I think it was just so special that she walked to Auntie V, you would have thought it was the first baby that ever took steps, we were all so surprised!

She’s poised for takeoff now, oh her mama is going to be one busy lady, chasing her around the house.




Cynthia brought Jasmine and Alisha to visit on Saturday.  They were so good with Abby, it’s so special to see these sweet little girls that you knew as babies holding your granddaughter. 

Abby loved them, she was all eyes, sitting on Jasmine’s lap, watching everything Alisha did. 

Linds wished they lived closer, they would be great at entertaining Abby.




She took a bath in Grammie’s tub.  Is there anything sweeter than a baby taking a bath. 

Oh, I’m so smitten, what a special little granddaughter this is…

Monday, September 20, 2010

This is why I'm cutting my hair... SERIOUSLY!

I've been back and forth, do I cut my hair, or do I continue to leave it long and wear it up and french braid it occasionally.  What a reality check this was, I'm calling Mary Beth tomorrow for a cut.  Geezy Pete Hil, what were you thinking...

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