Saturday, August 22, 2009

Million Dollar Bill, she’s sounding pretty good, girlfriends…

Yeah, I’ll buy her new album.  I was a fan in the day, and it’s good to hear her voice strong and clear again. 



Watching her again, reminded me of the  best work she ever did, in my opinion.  Talk about goosebumps…



Of course, Dolly wrote this song, and she's the best, ever - she’s an American original…



Once you get started with Dolly, you can’t stop watching her.  Here’s a great video with Dolly, Tammy Wynette and Loretta Lynn, Silver Threads and Golden Needles.  The imbedding has been disabled, but  here’s the click to watch it…

And finally, a wonderful interview with her on 60 Minutes. 

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let’s talk about boobs, BIG boobs…

Lily of France Women's Sport in Action Sport Bra with Outside Wire and Back Hook

Okay, ladies, I always tell you about the good stuff, and boy do I have a find for you.

I have boobs, big boobs, I absolutely detest them, too.  Nothing is more matronly than big  ta-tas… Nothing!!!

They are, however, shrinking with my ongoing healthy eating, nevertheless, for years now, it has been totally impossible to find a bra that I really like,  until now.  I was in Kohls last week, not crazy about the store, but they do have good lingerie, and I was trying on the usual Lilyette, Bali, Olga brands, the samo-samo that don’t really minimize, are uncomfortable, often  ride up in the back, and after a wash or so they don’t support you anymore and your boobs start to sag, heading south toward Florida, then all the way to Cuba.

I had never tried a sports bra before, because the ones I looked at had no underwire, and I just didn’t think they would work for me.

Boy, was I wrong.  I was just about to walk out of the store when I spotted this Lily of France underwire sports bra.  It was the color that got my attention, it was grey.  It was cotton, comfy looking, and didn’t look that much like a sports bra, even though it did have a wider band at the bottom.  So I scooped it up, and back to the dressing room I went.  I tried it on, and O-M-G, it was instantly like a breast reduction.  The girls settled in the cups, they kind of flattened out, it felt wonderful, it was really comfortable.  Then I put on my shirt, I swear, I could have just done the happy dance.  My boobs looked really great.  SERIOUSLY good, well as good as they can look for a fifty-nine year old woman…  That bra  just smooshed me out, uplifted me, and made my bust look a lot smaller, even LC is impressed with the way it makes me look in my shirts.  He’s commented several times how much better I look,  how’s that for a testimonial?  Usually husbands don’t notice these things.

So I bought it, not only in grey, but also in white and black, and yesterday I went back and bought another grey one. 

After wearing them for a week, here’s the scoop.  They wash great, they support you wonderfully, you don’t bounce around, they don’t ride up in the back, the wide band at the bottom is super, the cotton breathes, and the best part, even after you’ve had it on for awhile, you still don’t sag….

If you are all as smart as I think you are, you will run not walk to the store and buy one or two or three or four of these.  True, they aren’t satiny or lacy, but at our age, who cares!  The cotton is soft and comfy, they contour to your body, and they look sporty, not like those armored old lady things from Sears.  I live in jeans and casual clothes anyway, so for me, this is perfect. The straps do not adjust, some women may not like that, but i think it fits great without adjusting, and I’m always messing with bra straps, pulling the damn things up, trying to lift the girls.  You don’t need to with this bra, it’s the best thing I’ve found in years, maybe ever, pinky swear.

You can order these from Amazon, too.  No surprise there, you can order anything from Amazon.  Here’s the click for you.

You will thank me for this one, trust me.

~ jan

Your Daily Dose of Cuteness

Mollie was fast asleep on her back this morning, it was so funny, just had to share.  Yeah, I know her bed is getting tattered, but she loves it and I can’t find another bean bag one like it…  Maybe this fall the stores will have one…

Silly little dog, she always has that tongue out, it never fails to make me smile…



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Anticipating fall…


It’s almost in the air, not quite, but trees are shedding some leaves now, the days are shorter, and the evenings cooler.  I’m always ready for the changing seasons, this year more so because I know that when the colors change that precious grandbaby will be born.

I was out early this morning, the wind was blowing, leaves were crunching underfoot, and I was listening to the crows.  Oh, it was so peaceful, just watching  the horses in the pasture from my front yard, and living in the moment. 

I’m really good at that, just living in the present, I hope the rest of you are able to do it also.  That’s all we have, you know,  just this moment in time.  I’m doing my best to appreciate what I have, good health, great family and friends and of course my sweet little M&M’s. 

It’s a good time in my life, I’m savoring every moment of it…

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lindsay’s shower, it was such fun….

I wish all of you could have been there.  The shower was at the family church, in the little town of Eva, Alabama.  Lindsay has an amazing family, the aunts, Mary, Regenia, Nora and Judy are the funniest, most charming women, ever.  I swear girlfriends, it was a chapter right out of the YaYa’s, listening to all of these southern women telling  stories.  Cousin Gena was there, Lindsay’s best friend, Heather handed out the gifts. We sat with Nadine, who was so much fun, oh and as you can imagine, Grandma Campbell was in her glory, with her family gathered ‘round. Lindsay’s mother flew in from Seattle, she is such a lovely woman, Deanna, Lindsay and I drove down from Nashville.  There was great food, amazing gifts, and a room filled with love.  What more could a mother-in-law want.  This is going to be such an wonderful little girl that’s coming into our life.  It’s absolutely overwhelming… 

There are a lot more pictures of the shower in an album on my FaceBook page.  If you aren’t one of my FaceBook “friends,”  send me an email, and I’ll add you, so that you can view the pictures…

You can view a larger size of this photo collage  by clicking on it…

~ jan


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