Saturday, July 7, 2007

Whooeeeee, it's HOT, Don!!!!!

You wouldn't have wanted to walk a mile in my shoes this morning, ladies. Egads, I walked a mile at the track at 8am and it was HOT!!!! I don't feel invigorated, I just feel drained! Then I went online and read that you only burn 100 calories when you walk a mile. Well isn't that just depressing! SURELY I burn more than 100 calories, since it takes so much more energy for me to walk than all of you. I just keep thinking, walk a mile, eat a 100 calorie snack pack and you've offset it. Grrrrrrr...

On a happier note, LC and I had date DAY yesterday. Sweet hubby took me to Panera for lunch, then shopping, then to a late matinee, then to dinner. It was such a good time... And we FINALLY saw a good movie, Live Free or Die Hard, Yippie Ki Yay” it was really exciting. Sure, it was a bit far fetched, but it was really a great flick. Ry and Linds saw it too, Lindsay said it was a "fun" movie. Right on, Dilly, it really was.

Ozone alert today in Heavensville, it's hot, it's humid, it's July. I'm outta here, gotta give a dog(s) a bath...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

I knew there was a reason...

Trisher said tonight the reason that we can't remember anything is because are brains are full. We have gathered so much knowledge over the years that there isn't room for any more and that's why we can't remember anything.

Makes sense to me...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cutey Patootie...

The weather has just been gawjus this week in Heavensville, so hubby and I packed up Maggie Moo and headed out to the park last night for a picnic.

I took her leash, but the grass was covered in duck doo-doo, so letting her on the grass wasn't an option, and just leaving her on the picnic table to fall thru the cracks wasn't such a good idea, so I just plopped her in the empty picnic basket, where she sat all evening. She eventually scratched the bottom of it, made herself a little bed and went to sleep. How cute is this, girlfriends???? Doesn't it just tug at the heartstrings?

And how did the picnic go, well let's just say we had a "few" issues. Namely the little Smokey Joe grill did not play happy with LC and the charcoal. It took for-ever, we were trying to grill brats and chicken and later we grilled pork chops to bring home, the grill wasn't hot enough, but we eventually got it going... And yep, it was really yummy.... Fresh green beans, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, lc had a packet of potatoes/onions/peppers, and I had a packet of zucchini, brownies for dessert.

It was a good thing...

Monday, July 2, 2007

I was just thinking this morning....

When i was out for a morning ride on Milly, sipping my coffee, enjoying the cool 70+ weather, feeling the wind on my face, listening to the country sounds, the birds, crickets, cicadas and the frogs, how my life has come full circle. And I'm really grateful that I was raised in such a simple country way, I think I appreciate nature more than if I would have been raised in the city.

It was so peaceful, it was, well delightful is what it was. And life is good, this first Monday in July, the 3rd anniversary of my oldest son's marriage. Happy Anniversary John and Tonia, I hope your day is as good as mine....

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