In a perfect world I would have clean sheets every single day. No, let me rephrase that, in a perfect world I would have a maid who would put clean sheets on my bed every single day. But, it’s not a perfect world, hubby is the closest thing i have to a maid, oh he will love reading this, but seriously, he always strips the bed for me, we wash the sheets and we both make it again. But back to my story. I love the smell of clean sheets, who doesn’t. I grew up with line dried sheets and nothing in the world smells better, but that’s not possible anymore, so I dump in tons of fabric softener in an attempt to get a fresh smell. And it works, for a day and then they don’t smell fresh anymore.
I read online that Gain Detergent scent lasts a long time so I bought it after making myself nauseous in the grocery store, smelling all of their different fragrances. I ended up buying their original scent, bought the pricey pods, bought the softener, came home, washed the sheets and they smelled HIDEOUS. Those reviewers must have been paid because that Gain was some nasty stuff! It went in the trash and it was back to Tide Pods and Downy for me, but I still wanted that fresh smell to last longer.
Then a few weeks ago we were at Costco and I saw this Downy April Fresh Protect Scent Booster with Febreze, you add it to your wash and you can sprinkle in a little or sprinkle in a lot. Well, I washed sheets and blankets and I sprinkled in a lot, I filled that little pink cup to the rim, if a little dab will do ya, then a lot has to be better, right??? And the result...
Oh my, my bed smells amazing and the scent lasts for days.
You may think this is an unnecessary expense but the smell is so worth it, your bed smells so fresh, your linen closet smells fresh, your clothes smell fresh, your laundry room smells fresh, what’s not to love..
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner, these little pink beads pack a big punch, this is definitely holy grail at our house now...