Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Atkins 40, this sounds pretty good...

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I’ve been a low carber for a few years now.  I’ve floated in and out of it this past year, but find that when I live in the moment, eat pasta, pizza, sugar, of course it’s wonderful, but then I have to take Nexium because I get heartburn at night, I feel sluggish, I gain weight, my face gets totally blown up, so then I revert to low carb again.  Do I lose weight on low carb, not really.  I lose maybe ten pounds and then I stall out, it’s age, metabolism, inactivity, it all works against me, but the payoff is I feel better when I eat this way.

And then last year Atkins rolled out their 40 carb program, I haven’t tried it, I’ve always stayed between 20-25 carbs, but this looks very doable, so maybe I’ll see how my body responds.  It makes more sense, more vegetables, a bit more fruit, all things good.

This morning I was reading in People Magazine about how that self absorbed Kim Kardashian has lost 60 lbs. eating Atkin’s 40, and while I can’t handle the woman, I did think her food journal was interesting, I’ll link to it, some of you might enjoy the menus.

A little food for thought about a new approach to Atkins, not as restrictive, it might appeal to you...

Here’s the link to her menu’s, lots of other 40 carbs menus online as well, just Google it...

Bon Appetit!  ~ Jan

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