Saturday, March 27, 2010

It’s finally getting green in Heavensville

I’ve harvested a couple of crops of chives, perennials are poking their heads through the ground, Mollie basked in the sun on the patio this afternoon, and then I caught her eating something gawdawful, who knows what it was.  She always eats bugs and dirt, Maggie never does that, but Mollie doesn’t have a discriminating palate.

I feel like I’m emerging from a cocoon, I was at Burdette this morning, watching the ducks, visited with Trisher and baby Hayden.  Even new babes remind me of springtime.

I have clusters of finches on my feeders, saw my first red winged blackbird of the season, life is good here…

Hooterville sent me the best critter cam, you need to check this out.  We saw a groundhog on here yesterday, he fell in the water, climbed out and kept right on eating. Keep a window open, check it thru the day, you will be surprised at what you see.  Sometimes the guy that set it up will be on here live, responding to people asking questions, it’s really interesting if you’re a nature lover.

Here’s the cam>>> 

Ang and I have so far resisted making Pioneer Woman’s Murphy’s Hot Hamburgers.  Oh my, this is white trash food at it’s finest, and both of us just think it sounds diner perfect.  I ran it past Ry, he wasn’t a fan, but his momma sure would like this.

How bad for you can this be – oh, just horrendous, so I haven’t made it, but I will, you know I will.

You want the recipe, sure you do.  If anybody gives this a try, would you please fess up and tell me about it.

Here’s the recipe with step-by-step how to, enjoy ladies…>>>

~ jan

Thursday, March 25, 2010

let the good times roll…


Monday, March 22, 2010

Families are a wonderful thing….

Uncle John and Abby are best buddies.  Ryan and Lindsay are in Nashville this week, John sent me this picture tonight, I just had to share…


It’s cold, it’s warm, it’s March…

We’ve had a tease for the past few days.  I planted onions and chives, then today it was 40 degrees.

So I just switched gears, went out and picked up goodies for Miss Abby’s easter basket.  Oh how much fun this is, I remember last year, wondering what this grandchild was going to be. 

It’s so much fun having a little one again.  I’ve never experienced buying girl stuff, so I’m really enjoying this.  Okay, I’ll share, one of the things I bought her were flip-flops.  I did, pink flip-flops.  Can you imagine that,  for a six month old.   She may never wear them for more than a picture, but won’t she be the cutest thing with them on her feet.

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