Well, today was library day. I usually have a reserved books to pick up, but not today. Today it was strictly go through the shelves, browse the aisles, see what I can find day... And what did I find??? A bazillion books for young women, not teenagers, YOUNG WOMAN. All the titles on the covers were written in various squirly fonts, showing 20 something women in various stages of dress undress. And while I have no problem with this, I'm glad that younger women are reading, and even I occasionally enjoy these books, usually ones suggested by Lindsay.
But, I don't want to read these on an ongoing basis. I'm long past my twenties, but I'm having a REALLY hard time finding books that interest me. Trisher gave me one of her books to read, a Charlotte LaRue mystery by Barbara Colley, but I just couldn't get into it. I've exhausted my favorite authors, read everything they've ever written - if you look at my Library Books in the right side bar (scroll down a bit) YES, I finally updated the list, you will see a bunch of nonsense. I'm even rereading my favorite LaVerle Spencer, even though I've read everything she ever wrote, I'm now reduced to rereading.
So if ANY of you have a great author, somebody that will interest women of a "certain" age, PLEASE, leave me a comment or email me. I would really like some input. And what do I read? Trash, light romance, light mystery, hopefully with a heroine over the age of 30. Some of my favorite authors are Barbara Delinsky, Nora Roberts, and Jude Devereaux. I also like contemporary novels, I'm not a fan of historicals.