Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Grands are growing up...

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Ben is three now, he loves anything Thomas the Train.  He’s taking Karate lessons, mimics everything his big sister does and is just a bundle of giggles.


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Lexi is eighteen months old, talks non-stop, runs instead of walks, and is a little ray of sunshine.  Lexi is the happiest little girl you will ever see, and like the other two, just adores her Pa-Pa.


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Abby is six now and is our little equestrian.  She’s taken horseback riding lessons for a year and a half, and does a great job controlling her mounts.  She’s a reader, and wants to know everything about all things science oriented.



Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All-Clad Dutch Oven at a Great Price!


Sur La Table has this on sale for $79.96, suggested price is $220.

Christmas is coming, this would be great for a foodie gift.  I have several dutch ovens, including a Le Creuset Orange one that Ry gave me, I use it constantly and love it, this would be in my shopping cart, but I just don’t need it.

But maybe some of you do.  Free Shipping with code, too.

Here’s the link, check it out...

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