Friday, March 5, 2010

Just another night in paradise in Heavensville…

Me:  “I’ seem to be doing a lot better with my hot flashes.”

Hubby:  “Really?”

Me:  ‘Yeah, I don’t rip off my nightgown and throw it across the room anymore in the middle of the night, haven’t you noticed?”

Hubby: (after a lengthy pause) “Congratulations, you’re officially an old woman, now.”

I then whacked the old fart over the head with a pillow as hard as I could. 

Men Schmen!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring is coming…

The winter wheat is greening in the fields, the birds are singing, I’ve got my spring flowers in the living room, the Easter decorations are out, the M&M’s are sporting pink and purple bows in their ponies, and my cold is slowly getting better.

If you don’t frequent my Jan CAN Cook blog, I’ve posted quite a few new recipes to that site.  You might want to check it out, see if there is something that interests you. I just bet there is.

Think green. ladies!!!
~ jan

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