Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday, January 4, 2008

yes, it was good as it looks...

I baked a pie, well actually Lindsay had made the crust at Christmas and it was in the freezer, so I made a cranapple pie, and since I just had one crust, I didn't try and trim it or crimp it, I just folded it over the top, brushed it with milk and sugar and wahlaa, pie... GREAT RUSTIC PIE - YUM-O...

Want to make one of these this weekend while cranberries are still available? The recipe is on Jan Can Cook - you can access it here
Exercise is a dirty word... Every
time I hear it, I wash my mouth
out with chocolate

It's been one of those weeks...

I've been working on new webpages, so far my peabrain hasn't produced anything that is even passable, so you are stuck looking at the Christmas background.

Those most productive thing I've done is to try the new Starbucks Sugar Free Skinny Mocha. Now, just hustle right down there and get one, girlfriends, 90 calories for a Grande, and it's not too bad.. Kinda tastes like a hot chocolate coffee with a bit of a whang. It's sugar free, remember...

Kids are coming in for the weekend, stew is on the stove, bread is in the Zo, a cranapple pie going into the oven and me trying to eat healthy. Well, we'll see how that works out...

Later 'gators, I promise I'll get it together here, soon.

~ jan

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


It's 2am, I'm in a deep sleep and all of a sudden I hear CLANG, CLANG, CLANG... It's Munchie, her water bowl is apparently empty and she's banging it against the floor. CLANG, CLANG, CLANG. Hubby is growling from his side of the bed, and I'm saying, "maybe she'll give up and come back to bed." OH no, CLANG, CLANG, CLANG. Now Maggie pops her little head from under the covers, and she's off the bed to investigate what's going on in the utility room with her sister. CLANG, CLANG, CLANG.

LC is now sitting on the side of the bed, muttering, "those damned dogs are a royal pain in the ass." He trudges off to fill the water bowl, and gives them some fresh kibble while he's out there. I'm about to drift back off to sleep and all of a sudden here comes Maggie, like a little rocket ship, running as fast as she can, leaping on the bed, nosing her head under the covers, then turning around, slamming her little body next to me and thrusting her throat against my throat. I GASP, her beard is just drenched with water and it's COLD. But she's so adorable, so trusting, snuggling up to me, that I suck it up and lay there.

Then here comes Munchie, she jumps on my stomach and lays down for a cuddle. So I pet her for a bit, she gets off my tummy, turns around twice, lays down and lets out a big sigh. She's down for the rest of the night.

I'm still laying there with wet puppy dog throat against me, and of course by now I'm wide awake. Maggie is snoring softly against my ear, LC is already asleep again and me... now I have to pee!!! And that was my night....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Instead of reflecting, listing favorite things of the past year, I thought you would all much rather have a smile. Oh, sweet little baby, I bet his Momma just about died right there on the spot!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

That's not all fur, I've got my coat on...

This will get your blood pumping...

Celine doing Tina's 'Simply The Best' - long intro, but she's really rockin' - crank up those speakers girlfriends, and give this a listen....

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