Saturday, November 17, 2012

Out of the mouths of grandchildren…

This was my daughter-in-law Lindsay’s Facebook post this morning.  Oh my, Abby also told the guy at the Chic fil drive thru window yesterday that her mom drives “REALLY FAST.”  Poor Lindsay, it’s only just begun.  Of course Grammie thinks she is hilarious…

I find it alternately horrifying and entertaining to see my behaviors and hear my words parroted back at me in the form of a 3 year old. After explaining to Miss A that a sucker and gummy bears were not, in fact, an option for breakfast, she looks at me like I'm short and calmly tells me "Stick with me, kid. I'll teach you some things." I choose not to examine this too closely.

My Grateful Journal, 11.17.12


Friday, November 16, 2012

Grateful Journal, 11.16.12



Thursday, November 15, 2012

Inner Peace after this election….

I’m all about the jokes today, read this and just about fell off my chair, laughing.

Too funny  not to share…

I'm passing this on because it worked for me today.

A doctor on TV said that in order to have inner peace in our lives after this election, we should always finish things that we start. Since we all could use more calm in our lives, I looked around my house to find things I'd started & hadn't finished.

I finished a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a box a choclutz. Yu has no idr how fablus I feel rite now.

Sned this to all ur frenz who need inner piss. An telum u luvum.

Killer Cranberry Salad


Sometimes a recipe comes along that is just really special.  And since Thanksgiving is just a week away, I wanted you all to see this.  It’s sooooo good, everybody that makes it loves it.  It’s my daughter-in-law Lindsay’s family recipe, I just want you all to know about it in case you’re looking for something really yummy this Thanksgiving. 

You can click the picture to enlarge, or here is the direct link.

I don’t use a mold, I just make it in a 9x9 pan because we like it thick.  A 9x13 works, too, whatever floats your boat.

Enjoy ~ Jan

Grateful Journal, 11.15.12


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Elf On The Shelf

What a great idea this is for your little one’s Christmas.  I heard about Elf on the Shelf from my daughter-in-law Deanna, who’s a fan, and my girlfriend, Nisha, a first grade teacher that clues me in on so many wonderful things for children.

If you’re not familiar with Elf on the Shelf, you buy the elf, it comes with a book, read it to the child and every day during the Christmas season you move the elf to a different place, so the child can find him every day.  It’s a great tradition.

You can buy it on Amazon,  I ordered one for Abby today.  They have girl elves now, too, but I think of elves as boys, so Abby got the original little boy elf.  It will be great for Ben, too in a few years.

Here’s a video about how it all started.

CBS has an Elf On The Shelf Television Show, airing December 14th at 8:30 Central time.

There’s also a website where you can register your elf, send a message to Santa and lots more.  Here’s the link…

This will be so much fun!

Hitched for the Holidays, Mary Lou Henner

I’ve always been a fan of Mary Lou Henner, she still looks great, has so much energy, maybe there is something to the way she eats.  Hmmmm

Anyway, she has a new Hallmark Movie, Hitched for the Holidays, airing on November 26th, 7pm central.  I’m a fan of cheesy Hallmark  Movies, they’re lots better than Lifetime, for the most part, and they often feature older actors, which of course, I find wonderful, because I can relate to them.

I post often about upcoming movies, and get emails from people telling me that they appreciate it, they would have missed them if wasn’t for my blog.   I equate these little movies to watching instead of reading a romance novel. Same thing, just more visual.

So here’s a quick synopsis of this one for you….


When commitment-phobe Rob Marino (Joey Lawrence) breaks up with his girlfriend before Thanksgiving, he is criticized by his big Italian family about his inability to keep a relationship through the holidays. Wanting to prove them wrong and fulfill his dying grandmother’s (Paula Shaw) wish to see him happy in love, Rob goes online and finds Julie (Emily Hampshire), another single New Yorker who’s meddling Jewish mom (Marilu Henner), has driven her to seek a temporary boyfriend. Rob and Julie agree to pose as a couple through the holidays to get their families off their backs. But things get complicated when Rob’s Catholic clan and Julie’s Jewish family get involved. With Christmas coming and Hanukkah around the corner, they double their efforts to keep the charade going, only to discover their fake feelings may be a little too real.

My Grateful Journal, 11.14.12


Romp, Kellie Martin’s Online Toy Store

I love it when actresses branch out and do something constructive.  Kellie Martin has launched Romp, an online toy store, everything is wooden, eco friendly, lots of retro toys.  I thought some of you might like to check it out.  Christmas is a comin’……

Here’s the link…

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Grateful Journal 11.13.12


Monday, November 12, 2012

My Grateful Journal, 11.12.12


Sunday, November 11, 2012

November always takes me back to my childhood…


The early days of winter are upon us.  I love November, everything about it takes me back to my childhood.  It’s the month of my birth, November, and that in itself makes it special.  So many memories are associated with our birth month, and I often  think back to my early Novembers and the simplicity of my life.

Winter came earlier in November than it does now when I was a child.  It would be cold by this time of year and there would undoubtedly have been a hard freeze. I would be wakening to frosty mornings, with ice on the windowpanes, a cold house, staying tucked into bed underneath quilts until Mother got a fire in the coal stove going.  There would be new flannel pajamas, always a small floral print, with great big white pearl two-eyed buttons down the front that she would have sewn for me on her Singer machine.

The cornfields that surrounded our house would have frozen stalks, and often a dusting of snow, and I would watch out the frosty windows, looking at the hunters trudging thru the fields, with their braying hound dogs, and the occasional crack of a rifle, when they found a covey of quail.

Weekends weren’t spent shopping, we did our chores and stayed home on Saturday.  Mother would make a big country breakfast with her homemade sausage chocked full of sage, spices, and lots of pepper flakes, fried in her black iron skillet.  We would have eggs from our hens, with yolks so golden that they are still, to this day,  unforgettable.  And homemade buttermilk biscuits, wonderful fluffy biscuits, slathered in butter and topped with homemade blackberry preserves.  There were always outside pets, dogs and cats to feed and play with, a parakeet or a canary in a cage in the kitchen, and phone calls to make on our big old fashioned oak wall phone, two longs and a short, that was our ring.

There was no television in my childhood, I would listen to the radio, play the piano, read, spend time with my dolls, and most Saturdays there would be a pot of soup simmering on the stove for supper that night.

Sundays were spent at Grandma’s house, we always went for Sunday Dinner, and since Mother came from a large family there would be plenty of cousins to play with.  Grandma would make us paper dolls and snowflakes from old newspapers, we would play in the barn, and sometimes we would get to help milk the cows.

An idyllic childhood, oh far from it, it was a hard life for a woman and a little girl living in the country on a dirt road with no running water or indoor plumbing, but it was all I knew, and it gave me roots.  I was nourished, I was warm and I was loved.  That’s all a child needs to thrive.

I read a quote today that really hit home, “When we look to the outside world to fulfill us, we are usually disappointed.”  I learned this lesson early in childhood, even though I didn’t realize it at the time.  The only things that are truly meaningful are family and good friends, the rest isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things.

Oh my, I’m nostalgic, it’s just November, it always does that to me…

My Grateful Journal, 11.11.12


My Grateful Journal, 11.10.12


My Grateful Journal, 11.9.12


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