Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Elf On The Shelf

What a great idea this is for your little one’s Christmas.  I heard about Elf on the Shelf from my daughter-in-law Deanna, who’s a fan, and my girlfriend, Nisha, a first grade teacher that clues me in on so many wonderful things for children.

If you’re not familiar with Elf on the Shelf, you buy the elf, it comes with a book, read it to the child and every day during the Christmas season you move the elf to a different place, so the child can find him every day.  It’s a great tradition.

You can buy it on Amazon,  I ordered one for Abby today.  They have girl elves now, too, but I think of elves as boys, so Abby got the original little boy elf.  It will be great for Ben, too in a few years.

Here’s a video about how it all started.

CBS has an Elf On The Shelf Television Show, airing December 14th at 8:30 Central time.

There’s also a website where you can register your elf, send a message to Santa and lots more.  Here’s the link…

This will be so much fun!


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