Saturday, May 3, 2008

Why hubby buys reading glasses by the case...

He does buy them by the case, from this lady at the fleamarket. He's bought so many pairs, she wholesales them to him. And why do we need so many pairs?

Well.... take today for example. I went to the library, was carrying in a boatload of books in one hand, and my trash sack from takeeoutee lunch and my reading glasses in my other hand, and some guy was holding the door open for me to go in the library, so I quick dump the trash, and you guessed it, I also dumped the glasses. Jeez Louise, and this man is standing there watching me. I'm trying to unobtrusively put my hand down in the trash container, which has one of those lid thingies on it so you can't really see in it, I'm groping around, and put my hand on something really wet. Screw this, I just yanked my hand out, thanked the guy for holding the door and left the damned glasses in the trash. So then I'm in the library, can't read a thing because I have no glasses, but Miss Ingenuity here just goes to the large print selection of books and grabs a few...

I didn't even glance at that stupid trash container on the way out, didn't need to, I probably have oh, thirty-six or thirty-seven pairs at home anyway. For real I do...

We've got a lot of gardening done...

Poor LC, he tore out all the perennials, planted all the boxwood, power washed the patio, filled all my pots, and we still have to paint the Adirondack chairs, and I'm the one that likes to garden, not him... It's looking pretty spiffy though, now we water, fertilize and watch it grow...

There are two sets of pictures, they both enlarge, just give them a click...

Oprah and the SATC Cast

The Boogie Woogie Done Right....

Barb sent me this clip this morning, it will definitely get you moving... Awesome couple...

Did you enjoy this clip? You can read lots more about my crazy middle-aged antics in Heavensville. Just go to my latest entries by clicking HERE...

I've gotten thousands of hits for Boogie Woogie Done Right, and would love to know how all of you found me. If you would take a minute and comment on what sent you to my site, or just email me HERE, I would appreciate it. It's always fun knowing how people locate you.

Glad you could stop by. ~ jan

Friday, May 2, 2008


Hi ladies, you must realize by now that I have an ongoing obsession with Sex and the City. I even created a little poll for you in the left sidebar, anonymous, of course.

I'll be passing on lots of SATC info this month, so sit back, put your feet up, have a Cosmo and enjoy the festivities. I know I'm going to...

~ jan

From today's Page Six....

Leave it to Martha to make money off of the boomers. Finally, somebody is recognizing that there is a whole generation of women out here who are being ignored. Now if somebody would just do something about designing great casual clothes for older women...

HarperCollins head honcho Jane Friedman and the ubiquitous Martha Stewart. I am told Martha's next venture will be a magazine for women over 50, the largest demographic coming to Madison Avenue, where for years they have slavishly paid attention only to the young.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sex and the City, the fashion behind the movie...

Okay ladies, this will definitely get you in the mood to see this movie. . I'll be there opening day with my gummy bears and popcorn, front row, center..... Can't wait!

Holy Schmoly....

If you're a garage sale junkie, you would love to be in Malibu Saturday. Scroll down and check out the photos of Pamela Anderson's Garage Sale. Interesting stuff.

Click HERE.

Here I go again....

Trouble just seems to follow me wherever I go. This morning, I was sitting on the side of the tub, getting ready for my morning shower, and I took off my tennis shoe, it somehow flew thru the air and landed right in the toilet bowl. Arughhhh, V and I were just talking about this yesterday, how LC has a cow if the lid is up, but it was my bathroom, and the seat wasn't up, just the lid. How that darned shoe flew right into that little hole is beyond me.

So I'm sitting on the side of the tub in disbelief, watching it float in the water, and I'm thinking, "what the hell, they needed to be put thru the washer anyways." Miz Scarlett here, making lemonade.
Hanging Out Washing

A heads up this morning...

The Sex and the City girls will be on Oprah today - whohoo, can't wait for that....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If I only had a brain, what would I do, what would I do???

Flash back to Christmas eve morning, everything is a whirlwind and the phone in this picture, my LG enV, dies. Totally panicked, of course, at the thought of no phone over the holidays, heaven forbid I might miss a call, I have Ryan and Lindsay take me to the Verizon store at the mall, the mall, on Christmas Eve, shows you how desperate I was. Anyhoo, it was under warranty, so they just replaced it, no problem.

Everything was fine, new phone was up and running and I was busy with the holidays, but sometime in January when things settled down I started noticing that when I flipped it open the inside screen was dull and cloudy and it had scratches on the it. It finally dawned on me that they had given me a refurbished phone and it was a dud. It just bugged the heck out of me, but did I call Verizon and complain??? No, of course not, I just procrastinated about it and fumed silently.

I was showing it to Hooterville this week and bitching about it and she told me no way would she accept that, I should call em' up. So it was a bright sunny day on Sunday, I was sitting in the car while she was off taking bird pictures and I thought, this is really wrong, I shouldn't have to deal with this inferior phone even if it is now late April and I've had it since December, I'm going to call them.

I flipped up the phone to look at it so I could tell them exactly what was wrong, I then rubbed my finger over it to make sure I couldn't erase the scratches, and holy moly, it started to bubble up.

I hadn't removed the protective covering... I HADN'T REMOVED THE PROTECTIVE COVERING. O-M-G, if I only had a brain... Of course, when I told Hoot about it, she just howled with laughter, me, not so much... that phone had bugged me for months. Lesson learned, don't procrastinate, Jan, get to the bottom of a problem immediately instead of being Scarlett and dealing with it tomorrow. Arughhhhhhhhhhh... Hitting Head Against Wall

Monday, April 28, 2008

I loved Designing Women...

Bernice was always such a hoot on this show. This episode will take a while to watch, but it's so funny... Alice Ghostley was such a treasure...

It doesn't get better than this....

Maggie in my arms, Dilly on the cellphone - ahhhhh, life is good...

And now, a shameless plug for Mag's new vet.

If any of you live in Heavensville and aren't too happy with your current vet, do I have a good one for you. Dr. Wagner, from McCutchanville Animal Hospital. And yep, she's a W-O-M-A-N!!! She's smart, she's nuturing, she has a great sense of humor; Maggie and I were both really pleased with her, and you know how picky I am with the Mooster. Oh did I mention that she had great silver rings on her fingers? Just had to mention that. Giggle 3

I didn't like Mag's previous vet, I just didn't have chemistry with him. He was old and tired, and wasn't all that interested in my little fur child, so I asked the people at Give a Dog a Bone (natural pet food store) who they would recommend. They told me this lady was really good, and they were right.

Maggie keeps having these recurring UTI's, but hopefully, by following Dr. Wagner's advice, we are going to nip them in the bud...

Hooterville is home now, got some amazing pictures, which she has promised to put in Picasa Web Albums so all of you can see them. I'm cold, I'm pooped, I'm outta here. Bathtime and bed with a good book... Works for me!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A few shots...

These birdhouses were Mothers. LC brought them home and hung them in the tree's behind our patio and a little wren is building in one of them. It always makes me smile to look up on the hill and see them, good memories.

The creeping flocks are in bloom. I tucked them into the rocks three springs ago, and they have spread now and are just a riot of color.

And the redbird has a worm in his mouth, there must be babies to feed.

And that's my day.... More pix to come...

Photos courtesy of Hooterville's finest only photographer...

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