About Me

Do you ever read this blog and wonder "who is this crazy woman?"

I'm a self-confessed chatterbox who translated her incoherent post-menopausal babbling into written words a few years ago and Jan's Daily Dish was born.  I spout erratic, discombobulated, unfiltered thoughts, often in an attempt to be humorous.  I also channel Erma Bombeck, not successfully, but I do try, and post random blogs daily about things that have absolutely no importance to anyone, including myself.  I also try, often unsuccessfully, not to embarrass my family, but they've grown used to my blog over the years and tolerate my nonsense with a bit of eye rolling and the occasional chuckle.

We recently relocated to the Nashville area.  Hubby and I are getting to the age where we need to be closer to family and Tennessee calls to me.  It reminds me of my childhood, all the hills and hollers, the old barns, the lay of the land, it just takes me back to a more gentler time.  As much as I loved Heavensville, it just wasn't practical for us to be there without family around us.  John, Deanna and Lexi live 25 minutes from us, Ryan, Lindsay, Abby and Ben are in Versailles, KY, a little over three hours from us, it was a good move.

So here I am,  going kicking and screaming into old(er) age, along with the rest of my girlfriends.  I talk about them a lot online, V, Nish, Jean, Ang, Trisher, Carlene, Peggy Jane, Barb and Marti, to name a few.  And if I left you out, don't be upset, I'm forgetful and I'm firmly convinced my lack of memory is due to the large amount of Diet Coke I've drunk over the years.  But why stop now, it's too late, I may as well go ahead and enjoy myself, and I do love a good Diet Coke.

I wear a lot of hats in this my third act.  Third act, what am I saying? Can this not be my second and a half act?  Told you I was kicking and screaming.  I've blogged since 2005, a whim that took wings and here I am thousands of posts later.   I'm an avid reader, but I only read women, I don't enjoy men authors, and I only read lighthearted trashy romance novels.  No, not Harlequin, I long ago graduated to great authors like like Robyn Carr, Mary Kay Andrews and Susan Mallory.  I don't enjoy television and I used to love it, but I can't relate to all the vulgar, inappropriate for children shows that are on today.  I'm a nature lover, there is nothing better in life than the wind on my face, preferably deep in the woods with Maggie by my side, just connecting to the natural God given beauty of my surroundings.

Hubby and I have been married for forty-six years now.  Forty-six years!!!!   The man loves this picture because he thinks I look subservient.  In his dreams, I'm totally my own woman, poor guy, but it's a nice little fantasy for him.  Men Schmen!

And what's our secret to a successful marriage that has weathered the storms and withstood the test of time?  If I can be serious for a minute, I really think the bad things in life strengthen a marriage more than the good.  The good times are easy, you just go with the flow, but if you can make it through the tough things that life hands you and you make it this many years, then you're sailing in relatively calm waters, well as calm as it can be living with me.  We're family, hubby and I, I've been with this man twice as long as my parents, and we've raised two amazing sons.  John, married to Deanna, and who are parents to our youngest granddaughter, Lexi, and Ryan,  married to Lindsay, they are the parents of my grandchildren, Abby and Ben.  Our guys have good careers, married adorable, fun, spunky women and created good, productive lives for themselves.  That, in itself  is testament to a good marriage and I'm a very proud mom.

Okay, now for the grandkids that I love more than life itself.  I was an old Grammie even though I was a young mother,  I had John when I was not quite twenty-two years old, Ryan at twenty-five, and I thought I would be a Grandmother in my early fifties.  Wrong!  It's a new generation, couples don't want children right away, they don't marry as early as LC and I did, they wait until their thirties even though their mother's clock is ticking.    I never dreamt that I would be sixty before I had a grandchild.  But oh, it was so worth the wait.

Meet Abby and Ben, I write about them often, always gushingly, probably causing a lot of eye rolling by my readers, but they are my world.  These pictures need to be updated but they are so darned cute I just can't change them.

And now we have Lexi and her best friend, Izzie..  Oh what a sweet little cherub this baby is..

And someday, when they are grown, they can come to this site, click on their tags in the sidebar and relive their lives.  And yes, i realize that this can be a source of extreme embarrassment in their teenage years, but hey, what fun is life if Grammie can't shake it up a little.

And of course I do have another love in my life, Margaret Moo Latte, aka Maggie Moo, four pounds of the most precious, adorable, cutest Yorkie ever.  I love, love love this dog, she is my fur child and I feel blessed every single day that I have her to cuddle and love.  

That's pretty much my life in a nutshell.   I cook every single day, as well.   I'm a total foodie who has raised two sons to be amazing cooks, something I'm very proud of.  I also have a food blog, Jan CAN Cook.  And you know what, I really CAN cook, just ask my friends and family.

I hope you enjoy my daily ramblings and silly nonsense.  Life is too serious, we all need a little escape from our daily grind, along with a smile, and this is mine.  I hope it's yours, too.

xxo ~ Jan

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