Saturday, November 30, 2013

More about that bucket list..

Maggie and I were scouting out mountain streams today for that fly fishing. You all know how I am when I get an idea, I'm Iike a dog with a bone. I even emailed a fly fishing company for information.

Gonna do it, just wait and see...


Friday, November 29, 2013

I'm adding to my bucket list...



I just had a birthday, and I'm thinking about what I want to do before my demise, after all, the years are passing, I really need to get on this. For quite some time now, ever since reading Mary Alice Monroe's great novel, Time is a River, a wonderful story about a woman flyer fisher, I've dreamed about fly fishing. She planted a seed, and being in the mountains this week, seeing the shallow mountain streams, the thought of doing this has surfaced again.

Of course my family thinks I've finally lost it, but I'm adventurous, I can totally see them helping me out in a stream, with my waders on, patiently standing by me while I fulfill one of my last requests. They should do this for me, right? Ya, they should...



Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gobble, Gobble,Gobble

My name is Jan and I'm a breadaholic.
One taste and it leads to shockingly uninhibitated behavior in the form of devouring evil things like dumplings, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, coconut and pecan pie.


Currently stranded in a cabin somewhere in the snowy higher elevations of The Great Smoky Mountains.


Desperately in need of a BA (Breadaholics Anonymous) meeting ASAP! I'm just not strong enough to go cold turkey hehehehe...


Monday, November 25, 2013

Thoughts on turning 64...



Today is my sixty-fourth birthday.  It’s a raw, blistery day in Heavensville, we’re busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, but I’m going to be serious for a change and talk about things I’ve learned, some are repeated, because I’m old now, it’s what I do, I repeat ;-)  But I am smarter, the older I  get, I’ve  lived life, and learned a lot.  I think as I’ve aged I see things as they are, not the way I wish they were, but warts and all, the good and the bad, I accept life for what it is.  I don’t ever look at life thru rose colored glasses at this age, that ship sailed long ago.

So here goes, a little insight on this my birthday afternoon.

Listen to your gut, it will never steer you wrong.

It’s okay if you go to bed a little hungry, it makes you appreciate what you have in your life and how lucky you are.

Everything in moderation, truer words were never spoken, hard to adhere to, especially for me who goes overboard, but it’s sage advice.

Surround yourself with positive people, friends who love life and laugh and have the same values as yourself.

Don’t expect anything from people and you won’t be disappointed.  

Don’t try to do it all and don’t beat yourself up if you choose to do nothing.  Do what you want, not what someone else wants you to do.

Grandchildren are truly a gift from God, they change every single day. Write down what they say, take pictures of them, love them dearly, tell them they are the most special little people in your life, and be in touch as often as you can.

Realize that you only have the power to change yourself, you can’t change anyone else, you just learn to accept.

The grass isn’t greener on the other side.  Take what you have in life and work with it, today’s society is too disposable.

You can’t bullshit an old bullshitter.  You may think you can or you are, but you can’t and you’re not.  Old women are pretty smart cookies, sometimes we’re just silent.  

Go outside and be in tune with nature every single day.  Regardless of the weather, nature is a powerful, wonderful thing.  Embrace it and you will be rewarded with peace.

For the most part, people often don’t really want your opinion, they just want you to agree with what they are telling you.

Embrace your wrinkles, scars and age spots.  Your battle scars are part of the aging process, be proud that you’ve lived long enough to have them.

Accept what you can’t change in life and try to do it with grace.

Don’t complain, people don’t want to hear it.

If you love someone tell them, you may never get another chance.

Treat yourself to some new jammes and yummy smelling lotion, then take a hot bath put on those jammies, slather on that lotion and curl up with a good book and a cup of hot tea.  It’s the little things in life that give us such pleasure.

Take time for yourself, learn to say no.  It may inconvenience others, but you are the gatekeeper to your soul, nourish it.

Oh my, I could go on and on, after all I am sixty-four years old now.  But I won’t, I’ll just sign off with one of my favorite sayings from one funny, feisty lady, Cousin Minnie Pearl.

Instead of complaining about getting old, just say what Minnie always said - I’m just so PROUD to be here!!!!!!!!






I LOVE The Vermont Country Store




If you’re not familiar with this site, you’re missing out.  It’s just chocked full of memories, the nostalgia is good for the soul.  We’re all busy, but take a few minutes and just enjoy…  ~ Jan

Here’s the click...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Never lose another receipt...

It's that time of year, you're out buying gifts and accumulating a mountain of receipts, they're in your purse, in your bags, in your coat pocket, and next month when you're trying to return all of this stuff, you're in a panic, trying to figure out where they are.
Welcome to my world, and finally, on the eve if my sixty-fourth year I had a moment of clarity and actually did something about it.
I went to Staples, spend $6.99 on an accordion check organizer, which I am keeping in my glove compartment and immediately upon leaving the store I will alphabetically put the receipt in the proper compartment, Last year, after being totally frustrated trying to find receipts, I put an envelope in the glove box and put my receipts in it, and it worked, I actually did it, but then I had to dig through the whole pile to find what I was looking for. Now they're organized and alphabetized and it's going to make life so much simpler, not only at Christmas, but all year long.
Great idea, huh. Applause, for the old girl, please.
I am always so grateful when my brain engages, and this is a great idea sez moi, happily patting herself on the back...





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