Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is simply wonderful...

The dancers are Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powelll, the year is 1940, and this was filmed in ONE unedited camera shot. It is considered by many as one of the best dance scenes ever filmed...

Oh my....

Hooterville sent me an interesting list of facts this morning one of which was that the size of a man's penis is roughly three times the length of his thumb... Hmmmmm, bet you won't be looking at guy's hands in the same way anymore. Blushing 2

Things I really, really like...

Torch songs, lots of bass
Red Winged Blackbirds
Starbucks Komodo Dragon Coffee, freshly ground with a generous splash of fat free half and half
Amazing smells - fresh sheets dried on a clothesline, a clean baby, great soap, a freshly cut lemon, the aroma of a sizzling chicken frying in an iron skillet, new mown hay
Toasted bagels, dense chewy ones, slathered with Philly cream cheese
A sleeping dog in my lap
Water.... my ditch, the Heavensville Riverfront, even a pond works for me, the ocean, not so much, too powerful, too vast....
Stimulating conversation
Blooming fleurs, daffodils later this month, hopefully
Butterflies, and frogs, and ladybugs, and honey bees, total nature lover, here...
A brisk walk on a beautiful spring morning
Unexpected phone calls from my sons and my dillys
Date night with hubby, dinner and a movie - just the BEST!
Cuddling baby animals of any kind
And of course my very fave, puppy breath

Friday, March 7, 2008

Rumor has it....

That Cher's Malibu Mansion is quietly on the market and can be bought for only $40,000,000.00. If you want to see it up close and personal, the house was featured in Architectural Digest back in 2002.

Here's the CLICK

The kids are in South Africa now...

John and Tonia arrived in Johannesburg this morning, and I was in the kitchen a few minutes ago toasting a bagel, and I hear my GoogleTalk dinging over and over again. HOLY CRAP, I realize that it's John, and I quick turn my bagel off and come into the sunroom and start typechatting with him.

Well, I didn't turn my toaster off, I turned it ON and I'm just chatting away with him and all of a sudden the smoke alarm goes off. It's shrieking in my ear, the M&M's are going nuts, and I look in the kitchen, it's totally smoky. So I tell him I have to check it out, Maggie is just clutching at me, I open the garage door to try and let some of the smoke out of the kitchen, come back in the sunroom, continue to typechat with that thing making a horrid noise, and Munchie whining at my feet, and Maggie hiding in my robe. FINALLY it quit.

Jeez, this could only happen to me!!! I'm still on GoogleTalk with him, this is hot off the press...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

And finally...

This has to be, hands down, the BEST girl scene in a movie, EVER.... In case you don't remember the lead in to this scene, Julia Roberts feeling were hurt after being snubbed by snooty salesclerks, and Edwards takes over. Every Pretty Woman's Hero, who wouldn't love this man!!!! Here's the clip...

Okay ladies, we hit the mother lode tonight...

I've got some great soundtracks for you - Anne Murray Duets: Friends and Legends - Her pure, gentle voice is such a sweet walk down memory lane... You can find her entire album on Amazon. Here's the CLICK

Here's a sample of some of the songs:

Anne Murray and Dusty Springfield - Just Fall in Love Again

Anne Murray and Shania Twain - You Needed Me -

Anne Murray and Celine Dion, When I Fall in Love -

Anne Murray and Olivia Newton John, Cotton Jenny

Anne Murray and Martina McBride, Danny's Song

Amazing Talent...

Listen to this and see if you can make it thru the swell without getting goosebumps.... K.D Lang does an AWESOME job with Roy Orbison's Crying - what a powerhouse this woman is!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The creek...

I took the picture of the creek yesterday outside their bedroom window. It flows down out of the hills, and it's wonderful. The land is protected, so nobody will ever build there and spoil the view.

I took very few pictures, and the ones I took turned out really badly. I don't know what I did to my camera, because Hooterville had me all set up and I was taking great pictures, and somehow I've managed to screw up my settings. I don't take pictures on Auto, like most normal humans, oh no, Jean would burn me at the stake if I did that, I have to PROGRAM the friggin camera, and I swear I forgot everything she told me. Seriously, though, nobody knows cameras like Jean, and so I always listen to her. I'm thrilled with my little Canon Powershot A720 that she told me to buy, it's so easy to use, and so easy to handle, and she may fuss at me for being so dingy, but she'll get me straightened out as soon as I feel like playing with it. She's just the BEST!

We'll be visiting again soon, and I promise to do better next visit. I do have a few pictures that I'll share with you later. We got home this afternoon, stayed this morning to see Tonia, who brought Oreo from Nashville to stay with Ryan and Lindsay while she and John are in Africa. I'm STILL sick, better though, I'll just rest up for a few days, and hopefully will be on the road to recovery by the weekend.

I did manage to shop just for a tiny bit and bought a great spring chick for all of you to see. I'll snap a picture of "Little" and publish it later...

I'm tired, the dogs are tired, LC is pooped, but oh it's so much fun to be able to do things for the kids. They were so thrilled that hubby got them so whipped into shape so fast. Nobody can organize like LC. He had both of them just hopping, but now we are gone and they can relax knowing that at least the main areas of their house is livable.

More later 'gators...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes....

Linds had her first visitor late yesterday afternoon. The doorbell rang, she went to the door and there stood her next door neighbor, eight year old Kylie and her dog Muffin. Lindsay had seen Kylie's mom earlier in the driveway, she told her that she was a chatty little girl and would probably be visiting.

They were talking, the little girl giving her a rundown of life in the neighborhood, and she said "one of the other neighbors wanted me to find out how old you are?" Lindsay, laughing, said that she was twenty-seven and her husband was thirty-two. Then the little girl said that the neighbor also wanted to know if they had any kids, and Lindsay told her no they didn't, but if circumstances changed she would let her know. It was so cute, she was so innocent, now Dilly can't WAIT to meet that neighbor. *giggle*

We had another busy day, we'll be heading home tomorrow. It's been so much fun, and even if I'm sick,I would rather be sick here than at home. I am better though, not a lot but give me a few days and I'll be back to normal.... Whatever that is...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Still sick.....

Poor pitiful me... We are in Versailles today, despite the fact that poor hubby practically had to pack and dress me to get me going this morning. Seriously, I think I had way too much of that blasted cough syrup - I coughed all night, sleeping propped up on two pillows with a neck pillow to try and stop the coughing. How much fun was that. I kept coughing and swigging all night, so by this morning I was a zombie. We stopped for breakfast and then I slept the whole trip, no doubt drooling and snoring in an attempt to breathe...

Oh the joys of middle age...

The house is wonderful, the boxes are many, everybody worked all day trying to bring some order to the kitchen while the M&M's and I snoozed on the sofa. It is a very nice place to be sick, and did I mention that the creek is AMAZING. I've felt too bad to even take pictures. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.... Here's to hopin...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is what you eat when you have a cold.....

Yep, that's homemade chicken soup. And homemade noodles. It's so easy, it's Mother's noodle recipe and it just takes a few minutes to make homemade noodles, really it does.

Everybody should make noodles at least once in their lifetime. I'll tell you all how to make this great soup, but not tonight. I'm outta here tonight, but I will share Mother's family favorite recipe with you. In fact, I'll scrap a page using it. So if you are out and about this week, stop by Linens 'n Things or Kohls or a Kitchen shop, pick yourself up a noodle cutter, and you'll be all set. You can do it without the cutter, but it sure simplifies the process.

Stay tuned, I'll do this later in the week after we get back from Versailles....

Back in the saddle again...

Just thought I would let you all know that hubby left me my car today, so I zipped right down to Donut Bank this morning on my expired license for a sugar rush and a jolt of caffeine. I'm still sick, but nothing like a donut and coffee to perk a girl up...

I never realized how easy my car is to drive until that fiasco yesterday. Somebody emailed me and said I couldn't make all that stuff up. I didn't, I PINKY SWEAR I DIDN'T - I told it exactly like it was! Even I don't have that kind of imagination...

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