Saturday, March 8, 2008

Things I really, really like...

Torch songs, lots of bass
Red Winged Blackbirds
Starbucks Komodo Dragon Coffee, freshly ground with a generous splash of fat free half and half
Amazing smells - fresh sheets dried on a clothesline, a clean baby, great soap, a freshly cut lemon, the aroma of a sizzling chicken frying in an iron skillet, new mown hay
Toasted bagels, dense chewy ones, slathered with Philly cream cheese
A sleeping dog in my lap
Water.... my ditch, the Heavensville Riverfront, even a pond works for me, the ocean, not so much, too powerful, too vast....
Stimulating conversation
Blooming fleurs, daffodils later this month, hopefully
Butterflies, and frogs, and ladybugs, and honey bees, total nature lover, here...
A brisk walk on a beautiful spring morning
Unexpected phone calls from my sons and my dillys
Date night with hubby, dinner and a movie - just the BEST!
Cuddling baby animals of any kind
And of course my very fave, puppy breath


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