Saturday, May 26, 2012

The kids are in the Cotswolds…


Today's technology is so amazing. John and Deanna are at their Bed & Breakfast in the Cotswolds, and we visited using FaceTime on our iPads.

The video was so clear,  I was thinking as I talked to them how wonderful it is to be able to see them from the other side of the pond.  John panned the camera so that I could see the 150 year old Wisteria, the flowers are in bloom, Deanna loves peonies and said they were everywhere.  They’re having lovely weather, blue skies and temperatures in the 70’s.  The village houses all have thatched roofs, they are loving the quaintness of it.

They will be there for a few days, and then to Ireland for a week.  It’s so nice to be able to share the memories, oh to be young again and explore the world.

But instead we’re tucked inside our comfy little nest, with good music, Netflix, the paddle fans are turning, it’s cool inside, a respite from the outdoors where the temperature is in the high 90’s.  It’s a good life for us, we’ve had our day, traveled and explored, and now we can see and enjoy it through their eyes.

Life is good on this hot Memorial Day weekend in Heavensville, hope it is for you as well…

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cissy Spacek, My Extraordinary Ordinary Life


I’ve always been a fan of Cissy Spacek, I think she’s such a talented actress.  I enjoy her sensibility, her wit, her unusual looks, and I recently found out that she has penned her memoir, the book is called “My Extraordinary Ordinary Life.”

She recently was interviewed by Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air.  The audio is available online, I really enjoyed listening to it.  Here’s the link if you’re a fan as well…

Wilted Lettuce, I just had the best salad of the year so far…


You all know about my continuing obsession with Salad-In-A-Jar, and lately I’ve been eating Sam’s Spring Greens, hubby buys me two gigantic containers of it at a time.

This isn’t actually my picture, I snagged it online.  Mine looked better than this, but I was too busy stuffing my face to stop and take a photo.

And, I’m counting calories, and even though the bacon and dressing aren’t healthy, my salad came in at 350 calories, so that’s a good thing.  And the bacon fat is soooo satisfying! *wicked grin*

I took this huge, and I mean huge pile of greens, added chopped red onion, and meanwhile I sautéed 2 strips of bacon.  I measured 1 tablespoon of the drippings, added a packet of Splenda, salt, lots of cracked pepper, a tablespoon of white vinegar, brought it to a boil on the stove, put it in my favorite stainless steel bowl that was ma’s, then put a plate on top and let it sit for a bit to wilt.

Then I added the crumbled bacon, croutons and blue cheese crumbles and it was TO.DIE.FOR!!!

I’ve always adored wilted lettuce, and the only way this would have been better was if it would have had a chopped hardboiled egg added. But of course, if I would have doubled the bacon drippings and the vinegar it would have taken it to another level, but I didn’t do that…

Oh, SO good!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So now that I have a convertible…

I went to Gander Mountain today and perused the selection of Life Is Good Caps.  Now caps and I have a reputation for not liking each other.  My sweet dilly’s, Deanna & Linds look positively adorable in theirs,  but even when I was the age of their tender years, I looked like a dork in a cap.

I’ve tried them on and off since I was a teenager, and it’s always the same, I look like a pinhead.  So what in the world was I thinking at this age, trying on one again!  Now that the neck is gone, I look like a bad version of Paula Deen in her cap. Plus the fact that they make me self conscious and scream “look at me, I’m wearing headgear!”


So what do I do?  Put on the bling?  I have white glasses, I have this same shirt and cutoffs and big earrings and a big purse, I have a Rolex fake Rolex Watch and a Coke Diet Coke, too.  And I can buy those shoes!  But wait!!!!! I read that Paula Deen has recently lost thirty pounds.  Maybe she got her neck back!

That’s it, I’ll diet, and in a few months maybe a cap will look better. But realistically I’ll probably just have turkey waddle that blows in the wind and looks even worse. *huge sigh*

Erna at Convertible Wheel

Or maybe I need to go outside my box, this little lady looks pretty jaunty in her cap/hat.  And she has a round face, but she has a neck and is young.  *another big sigh*


Or maybe a bucket hat would work better, Doris Day looks good in hers, well what I can see of her does…


Or I could wear a hood, like Grace Kelly.  Oh sure, thing…


Oh get real Jan, I’ll probably end up looking more like Ma Kettle.  But she was a good woman, and such a hoot.  That’s not a bad thing at all, to look like Ma.

If anybody has a suggestion, send them my way. But right it’s a gorgeous day and the top’s down,  I’m going for a drive!!! Rolling on the floor laughing

~ jan

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let’s get this show on the road….

izzie lou

Izzie is enjoying her visit with the Grandparents.  She loves going for rides on Milly, and let me tell you, we’re a full house with Izzie Lou, my two girls, me and LC on the golf cart.  But everybody shuffles around and enjoys their rides, and it gives the neighbors something to smile about, as well…

Fun Fact:  Izzie’s proper name is Isabelle Lucille, and yes, John named her Lucille in honor of his Grandma.  Ma would have laughed to have known he named his dog after her.  She would have liked that….

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