Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Grateful Journal, 11.3.12


Want to see m original pantry post,  so you, too can be the “queen” of organization?

Okay, so that’s a stretch, But I seriously fight that friggin’ messy gene, every. single. day. of. my. life.  For real I do.  Okay, that’s a stretch, too, some days I just don’t give a rat’s hiney, and that’s all it takes is one day and I have yet another mess!  I’m hopeless…

But all joking aside, if you missed my organized pantry, it will change your life.  Okay, so it won’t change your life, but it sure will help with your pantry! And if you don’t have a pantry, this will work in your cabinets, too…

Just CLICK HERE to see the best DIY project I ever attempted!

I know, you’re squinting your eyes, trying to see that little picture of my pantry.  Here’s the bigger version.  Now you can take off your glasses ;o)


Friday, November 2, 2012

There’s no friends like old friends…


LC and I went to dinner tonight with friends of mine that I’ve known since grade school, first grade, actually.

They were hysterical, we were laughing so hard it’s a wonder we didn’t get thrown out of the restaurant.  Not only have they not changed over the years, thank goodness, they are still as funny as ever, but now they’re all bawdy as well.

It was such a good time, I recommend everybody reconnecting with childhood friends, I didn’t realize what I was missing.  Those childhood bonds run deep, and it’s nice to come together again after all these years.

Carolyn, Donna, Jeanie Beth, Barbara Jo, and their husbands, too.  I’ve laughed until my stomach aches.  Old(er) friends are such a good time…

My November Grateful Journal…

During the month of November people often journal daily about what they’re grateful for. It sets you up for Thanksgiving, it’s a good thing to do.  So I thought I would try it, if I can remember to do it every day, but…

I’m going to do it with a twist.  You all know how grateful I am for my family and friends, those precious little grandchildren, sweet little Maggie, and LC and my continued good health, so I want to do my Grateful Journal with humor.  Life is too serious, we all need to smile.  So here goes.

Okay, so I didn’t do it yesterday.  I just thought of it this morning.  I’m old(er).  Gimme a break!




Is this all going to be food related all month???  Excess and deprivation, that’s the story of my life.  Who knows, where this will take me, I’ll try to curtail it with the food.  I’ll “try.”

Okay, so this isn’t too humorous so far, but you have to consider the source. Smile with tongue out

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stop by anytime….


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Boo to you, too!!!


Talk about Scary, now THIS is Scary!!!!


I’ve always put on  my makeup using a 5X stand magnifying mirror. Well, I’ve dropped my mirror a badzillion times, it has cracks on both sides, and last week was the last straw when the bottom fell out of it and hubby had to duct tape it together.

He’s been after me for weeks months to get a new mirror, so I decided on a swing-away scissor arm one, since it would mount on the wall and give me more counter space.

I found one on Amazon that got good reviews, the price was right, but it was 7X.  I told myself I’m older now, cataracts will probably be setting in soon, so I might as well bump up the magnification.

It came in two days, thanks to Amazon Prime, which is the greatest thing since sliced bread, hubby installed it, I sat down, swung it toward me.

OMG.  O . M . G!!!!!  I saw things that no woman should EVER have to see on her face.  It magnifies every bump, blemish and age spot, it’s totally unforgiving, and not only that, the thing gives me vertigo when it swings back and forth.

But I’ll get used to it, I’m sure, the vertigo part, anyway.  I doubt if I ever recover from seeing this almost sixty-three year old face magnified SEVEN times. 

What! was I thinking???

Whatever you do, don’t bump the magnification of your makeup mirror to 7X ladies.  It will scare the living beejesus right out of you!!!!  Pinky swear it will…

DevilBOO!!!!! Angry smile

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words…

september '12_edited

Lindsay posted of Abby on Facebook this morning.  It’s such a sweet picture, it just made my day and I thought I would share my smile with you.

The Best Sloppy Joes


These are seriously the best Sloppy Joes ever!

I’ve made this recipe since the boys were little.  My friend, Susan, a neighbor when we lived in Denver in the 80’s, gave it to me and it has remained a family favorite ever since. 

It’s always been a Halloween tradition at our house, Sloppy Joes and Potato Chips.  We were, as all of you back in the day, in a rush to get the kids out the door to trick-or-treat, so the tradition began because it was easy and quick.

My daughter-in-law, Deanna just posted this on her The Harris Sisters blog, and it reminded me that I needed to post it as well.  And the picture, Deanna scanned this from a cookbook I made for the boys of my recipes several years ago.

This is so good, if you are a Sloppy Joe lover like we are at our house, give this a try and see if you don’t love it as well.  The best part, simple ingredients that you have in your cupboard and fridge…

Enjoy ~ jan

Monday, October 29, 2012

4Moms mamaRoo

If you have a fussy infant or grandchild, this mamaRoo swing might just be what you need.

My little grandson Ben is a fussy little boy.  He’s not a sleeper, either.  He doesn’t sleep a lot through the day, doesn’t sleep at night, so Lindsay is a tired Mama.

Lindsay’s mother heard about the mamaRoo in her doctor’s office recently, and bought one for Ben.  He’s almost three months old now, and this thing is a miracle worker.  We’re afraid to talk about it, thinking we might jinx it, but for the last four nights, he’s actually slept all night.  The mamaRoo has several settings, so you can program what your baby likes, Lindsay says Ben is a fan of the car ride motion.

She wanted people to know about this, maybe it will help other tired mothers get some much needed rest.

Here’s the Amazon link to purchase it

Fall Family Pictures

There is nothing more perfect than a fall settting for family pictures.  Ryan and Lindsay took Abby and Ben to the Pumpkin Patch, we were in Leiper’s Fork with John and Deanna.


Little Ben was more interested in napping than being in the pumpkin patch.


Abby, however, was having a grand time.  She’s such a big girl now…


Sweet little girl with her pretty little Mama…


Abby will always be Daddy’s little girl.  They’re such buddies… In love


Is there anything more perfect for my guys than their picture taken with the General Lee.  John was such a fan, hubby, too!


Deanna and I took advantage of this photo op.  Perfect setting for a fall picture.


And finally, John couldn’t resist climbing in the Beverly Hillbilly’s truck with Deanna.

Don’t you just love late October.  It’s just the BEST!

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