Friday, November 2, 2012

My November Grateful Journal…

During the month of November people often journal daily about what they’re grateful for. It sets you up for Thanksgiving, it’s a good thing to do.  So I thought I would try it, if I can remember to do it every day, but…

I’m going to do it with a twist.  You all know how grateful I am for my family and friends, those precious little grandchildren, sweet little Maggie, and LC and my continued good health, so I want to do my Grateful Journal with humor.  Life is too serious, we all need to smile.  So here goes.

Okay, so I didn’t do it yesterday.  I just thought of it this morning.  I’m old(er).  Gimme a break!




Is this all going to be food related all month???  Excess and deprivation, that’s the story of my life.  Who knows, where this will take me, I’ll try to curtail it with the food.  I’ll “try.”

Okay, so this isn’t too humorous so far, but you have to consider the source. Smile with tongue out


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