Hooterville posted a list of the 25 Best Blogs on her site, The Little Blog, and since she always knows about the good stuff online, I started checking them out.
I came across this site, it’s called Zen Habits, Simple Productivity. It’s a blog that offers simple ways to be more productive, The blog features one article a day on topics such as personal productivity, organization, living frugally, eliminating debt, and cultivating good habits. With Zen Habits, practice makes perfect, and the blog excels at offering specific strategies to improve and simplify your life (16 Ways to Get Motivated When You're In a Slump, 20 Ways to Eliminate Stress from Your Life, 30 Simple Family Pleasures.) This is the rare blog that can actually improve your everyday life.
It’s awesome! Simple little tricks, that even moi here can do. No big life changing effort, just the simple things, which I preach about all the time on this site.
The entries are really enlightening, I’m instantly seeing that I obsess way too much about what I put in my mouth, yeah, I know, you all realize that, no surprise here. But it really is a great site. Bookmark this one, girlfriends, it’s a winner, take some time, go thru their archives, I’m sure you will find things that will help you, too. Pinkie swear ;~)
Here’s the click…
~ jan