Friday, May 10, 2019

A May Morning in Paradise

My idea of paradise may be far different than yours.  Today,  it was an early morning ride in the country.  The vivid colors, the lushness of the grass and the trees after a spring rain, the dappled sunlight, the birdsongs, the flowering bushes, that is where I find paradise.

The child always lives inside us.  I was born a country girl and I will always be one.  There is nothing  I love more than nature and that’s the most difficult part of growing older for me.  I would move to the country in a heartbeat if the circumstances were different.  The time for that has passed, but the yearning is there.  Hubby is really good about taking me for long drives on  Tennessee backroads, he realizes how vital it is for me to connect with my roots.

Earlier this week there was a stream with cows in it, and more cows lying beside it.  Oh, it was amazing.  We often drive by this farm on a hilltop with a pond, where ducks are swimming, goats and cows are in the field surrounding it.   It’s pure magic.

That’s all it takes for me to be happy, nature...

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