Friday, January 27, 2012

It's a good day...

The family is coming in for the weekend, Ryan, Lindsay and Abby will be here this morning. Friends stopping by to say hi, what a great way to spend a January weekend...

A smle for you this morning...

People post the funniest things on FaceBook. This just cracked me up….


Thursday, January 26, 2012

GCB (Good Christian Belles)

Looks like there might be some “must see” tv coming to ABC next month. From the creator of Steel Magnolias and the producer of Sex and the City, GCB is the story about a 30 something who is forced to go home and live with mother. Annie Potts, Kristin Chenowith star, and they’re both such good actresses. They’re calling this a Southern Desperate Housewives, Annie Potts says this is a tribute to her late friend, Dixie Carter, it could be interesting…

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


A warm, fleecy robe on a dreary winter night...

We’ve been out and about today. I used to laugh at Ma because she would always pick her days to run errands, and if the weather was bad she stayed home. Well today we had several things to do, I didn’t even look at the weather, and as soon as we pulled on the highway it started to sleet. The temperatures warmed a bit, but it rained the entire day. I wasn’t dressed that warm, it was windy, cold, miserable, just a raw, January day, and I’m thinking that once again, “Mother knows best.”

We’re at home every day, we don’t have to go out when the weather is bad anymore, but anyway, I come home, take off my clothes and put on my warm robe, turn on the fireplace and it’s pure bliss. Is there anything better than a robe? I think I remember most of the ones I’ve had through the years, too. They’re like old friends, my robes, and I only like loose, long ones. There is nothing worse than an old(er) woman in a wrap robe, it’s the most unflattering thing I can think of. I have one for when I get out of the shower, but once I’m dry, it’s history and I never look in the mirror. Nope, lose robes hide a multitude of sins, wrap robes are totally unforgiving.

I think my favorite robe through the years, actually I had two of them, a gray one and a lemon yellow one, were hooded long french terry sweatshirt styled zip front robes from Vanity Fair. Hooterville had one, too, we both loved them. I almost loved it as much as the football jersey nightshirts I used to wear. *sigh*

Every season I check Vanity Fair, thinking that they will bring back that style of robe, but they never do. With my luck they’ll bring it back as a wrap. :o(

And that’s it from Heavensville tonight. We had chinese for lunch, and I have leftovers, no cooking for me, I’m going to curl up by the fire with the dogs and read…


This robe from Norm Thompson is lovely. They also have a sweatshirt robe, but it’s belted and not nearly as cute as the ones Vanity Fair used to have.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I love this!


Straw Bale Gardening


I’m intrigued with the idea of gardening in bales of straw. You add compost, plant, water well, the straw retains the water, no weeds to pull, the roots finger out in the loose straw and grow quickly, it’s a wonderful idea. You can stack bales two high if you don’t want to bend over, how great is this!

This link to is one of many sites online. Just Google it, click on Google Images for lots of pictures, go to YouTube, watch some videos - it's just fascinating, and a great idea to research while we’re all dreaming of spring and gardening.

I think this idea would work well for flowers, you could do the side plantings I’m so fond of and you wouldn’t even see the straw after the plants started to grow. Can’t you just see a huge mound of impatiens under a tree? Oh, the possibilities…

Dear Diary, how are you, I am fine...


I remember my first diary, I was a preteen, it was green leather and had a lock and key. Every day my entries would always start with “Dear Diary, how are you, I am fine.”

I wasn’t very creative back in the day, but I wish I had that Diary now to see if I could conjure up any childhood memories.

And today, I’m not feeling very creative at all, I’m sitting here thinking, “Dear Blog, how are you, I am fine.”

And that’s how it is today, this relatively warm, 24th of January, 2012. I’m proving Ma wrong, too, it’s the third week of January, and we’ve yet to hit the single digits in Heavensville, and only a trace of snow. The only thing I can figure is that my mother didn’t factor in global warning. Ya think?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Twins Mimic Daddy’s Sneeze…

This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in awhile…

Maxine nailed it again!!!

(9) Facebook

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What I’ve been up to this weekend…

Deanna and John came to visit this weekend, we antique shopped yesterday, they found treasures, and went home with a car stuffed full, including a crystal chandelier for their bedroom.

Abby decided that she wanted to talk a lot to Grammie this afternoon.  We had multiple phone calls with her telling me her opinion about a lot of things.  For some reason she seemed to enjoy me singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to her and wanted me to sing it again and again.  This all started because she was looking at the moon and saying it was “too high,” meaning that she couldn’t reach up and touch it. 

She has a bit of a cold, and tells her parents that her nose is crying.  Smile

I made yummy corn chowder yesterday and posted the recipe on Jan CAN Cook.  And now it’s back to quiet evenings, dogs, a warm fire, and lots of wonderful family memories.  Life is good this Sunday evening, I hope you all had a great weekend as well…

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