Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Straw Bale Gardening


I’m intrigued with the idea of gardening in bales of straw. You add compost, plant, water well, the straw retains the water, no weeds to pull, the roots finger out in the loose straw and grow quickly, it’s a wonderful idea. You can stack bales two high if you don’t want to bend over, how great is this!

This link to strawbalegardens.com is one of many sites online. Just Google it, click on Google Images for lots of pictures, go to YouTube, watch some videos - it's just fascinating, and a great idea to research while we’re all dreaming of spring and gardening.

I think this idea would work well for flowers, you could do the side plantings I’m so fond of and you wouldn’t even see the straw after the plants started to grow. Can’t you just see a huge mound of impatiens under a tree? Oh, the possibilities…


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